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RPG Character Descriptions

Role Playing Characters' Descriptions
(now with pictures. worship meh.)

Her real name is Kathy, but her friends call her Thora, which she strongly prefers. Her face is (almost) always powdered a perfect white shade, contrasting her clothes and hair which are almost pitchblack. not as if she is goth, or whichever label you may associate with black/white; just just loves the contrast, and hey, it's unique. kathy is usually found wandering along the streets, no matter how bad the weather is. she doesn't like staying at home, since her parents aren't the very nicest. she is cold and plain to strangers, but very warm and caring towards friends. (by the way, her eyes are supposed to be bright blue, but my scanner doesn't like colours. lousy thing.)

Mist: A young human female, her hair is grayish-blonde. Her usual appearance- her tied back in a messy knot, wearing a long black robe, in the night she will look like a shadow. When there is anything of a festive going on, she lets her hair go free; it reaches just past her shoulders, and is rather wavy. under her black cloth she wears a jade green dress which is strapless, and rather long as well. Mist rarely smiles, but when she does, it's true. She was raised in the mountains, and swears by the ledgends her parents told her. She's one of the children of nature, who can live together with creatures like dragons, unicorns, griffons and so on. She used to ride a copper dragon, Lae, which died of a lousy infection. Her father died when she was very young, and left her the dragon Lae. her mother died a few years later, and Mist was left to look at her two younger brothers. She went away on travel to prove herself, but doesn't really succeed - she can't even win a drinking contest from an elf.

Melo'i, a mermaid from the deepest deepness of sea. She lived in a crack in the seabottom with her family for many years, untill one day the humans came in their submarine. Melo'i became curious, and swum for days to reach the surface of the sea. The sun made her blind, and her family abadoned her for not being able to see anymore. Now she lurks around the coast, curious for humanity.

A simple pixie from the woods, Nani was one day caught by humans and locked up in a cage. She is the size of a ten-year-old, but her cage is still too small. She just lies there, curled up, weeping to the wind. She has gone completely apathic, only longing to be set free again.

Stella's neck is broken. That's why her head keeps falling over. She's not exactly a vampire, but since she likes the blood of mortals she'll be in vampire rps. If she's not a vampire, then what is she, you ask? Well, another kind of zombie. Brought to death by life, brought back to life by the Wendigo (for more about this, read Pet Semetary by S. King, or ask someone who read it. Basically, you bury somebody on this former indian burial ground, and a few days later they return to you... but then as brainwashed, evil zombies. well, not exactly, but i'm too lazy to explain everything). Stella is always waiting for the other person to do something, tapping an enchanted melody on the ground with her (in this picture misshapen) feet, looking ghostly. At first sight she doesn't seem dangerous, mortal even, but don't let that fool you. Also, this is not a black & white picture - her skin and hair are white because she is dead. And her dress, well, that's just white. We can't help it.

Vuur (or Vure): a passionate elendili orc-slayer. She seems perfectly human, but is immortal like the elves. when she was young, orcs murdered her family (by the way, her father wasn't her real father, the real one was an elf who died shortly after her birth. only her mother knew.) and burned down the farm they all lived at. Young Vuur survived and fled into the woods where she developed an unnatural hate against orcs and evil in general. when she got older and more of a respected slayer, she was coupled to a mortal man and together they became some of the greatest battlers of their time. she immortally fell in love with him, and he with her. but he was mortal, and died in front of her eyes when she finally, finally found him back (the story is long and tragic... just dont ask). now that the orcs killed her loved one too, she hated them even more. she joined an important elven council, for she was an important link between elves and humans. but there was no happiness for her here, and she travelled to moria, which was invated by orcs, again. all the dwarfs were gone. she fought them all away, part of a new army. in return, the dwarfs accepted her in their middle, where she slept on cold stone for 1800 years. now she's awakened, right after the war of the ring. "missed all the fun." the tables have turned, everything has changed, and she doesn't know where she belongs anymore.


more soon.

Why, do we sin?
devil ANGEL
DEVIL angel
Because we are tempted and weak!

Unless life seems so undestrucable, that even death is a new beginning

You couldn't climb the second mountain, you couldn't, it was larger than you truly were inside

tear plop.

Hello, hello, hello

I can't stop dancing, stop me


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is so pretty =o

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