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ISAF Index
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The Independant State Allied Forces is an FPS/MMO clan. We have members on Counter-Strike, Ragnarok Online, Tribes, Battlefield, WoW, and many other games.

Our current leader is Zelig, but due to unforseeable events, Lord Hood is commanding the guild at this time. Zelig is expected to return December 16th 1005, and  resume command the 18th.

To all Ragnarok Online clan members, please note that the clan's participation in the War of Emperium is dependant on the commander's will to fight. Currently, Lord Hood is not requesting your participation in the war, but he may choose to change that at any time. Please be online at these times and be prepared for combat.

To our Battlefield 1942 members, we have no commanding officer on BF42. If you would like to apply for that position, please contact Zelig at a convenient time.

ISAF Assault
(Halo PC)
Links OUT
Gaia Online
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