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Server To Be Announced Soon!

We, the Honor Bound PA will be announcing the server we intend to play on soon.

Code of Honor

1. One must act with honor at all times.
2. Kill stealing, "ganking", or "leaching" are not permited.
3. Fight valliantly, protect non-combatant classes, if you must flee, be the last ones out.
4. Help out those in dire.
5. Act with respect.
6. Do not make assumptions.
7. Carry out all orders and promises as long as their intent is honorable.
8. Help to guide new reqruits and teach them the Code of Honor.
9. Think of the needs of others before your own.
10. Do not act with greed.
11. Show mercy against your foes, mercy is strength.
12. Pride corrupts, honor strengthens.
13. Do not take advantage of your rank.
14. Do not act with anger or fear.
15. Always treat people in the manor you wish to be treated.


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