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Smartball's Unreal/Software Page

Hmm been a little while since I wrote something here. Not much has happened except for me updating PMB. Now PMB 2.0 is up on one of the NU servers. I don't know if it will stay up forever though :/ we're just running it for now to see how much usage it gets. So far, it's looking good :) 2.0 has a custom menu in it with a help option for people who have just joined to learn how to play. The script to detect downloaders has ben enhanced a bit, and with this version you can pass your knife around to other team mates. But if you throw the knife and a team mate doesn't pick it up, the other team can steal it. It seems to be getting a lot of use so far.
Paintball 2.5 was completed a few days ago and has now been put on the Paintball page for download. The servers seem less populated with this one on though.. :( I think players are losing interest unfortunately :/
Paintball beta 2.1 has been added to the mods section. I also went ahead and added my map to the paintball maps to d/l :)
Paintball 2 was completed a few days ago. I'm proud to say it seems to be a success :) NU is still running it on their servers, so it's available to check out. I havn't put anything in the paintball maps section yet because there are only two maps at the moment that are soley for paintball: DmPaintGround and DmSpeedBall. I think I'm just gonna wait until a decent amount of maps are produced before putting them all up.
Paintball is looking good at the moment. 95% of the coding is complete, and now I just need to get the female versions of the skins working. We might also get in new ammo and armor icons for version 2, although I'm not sure yet. Look forward to it very soon.
I'm going to add a section for paintball in the maps area of the site. Right now the link isn't working because we only have one map..mine :) We're hoping to get some more up sometime soon though, as we've got a few people working on them.
My next upcoming mod is paintball. Some early versions of it are complete, and it's been run on the New Unreal servers for testing. That brings up another point. I've joined with the guys at New Unreal. They're a bunch of nice people who are always willing to help and have given me plenty of work to do as much as mods are concerned.
It's my birthday! Yay :D
I just updated the menu. I like this one a lot better than the old one, as the old one was a bit glitchy. This one has a smoother look to it. I havn't done anything about music on all the pages but I will get to it eventually.

Old News

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