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Welcome to SIBT. This high demand role as an SIBT Demonstrator (aka ‘DEMON’) can be an experience like no other. Your colleagues possess like you, the attitude and experience to help both staff and students with any of there IT needs. With all new roles, come procedures. This list below is very important and is an outline guide to the things you should do when on duty.


Morning Procedures:


You are expected to be at work at least 15 minutes before your shift starts:


·        All Demons must check in with front office to organize laptop set ups, and projector pick-up or drop-off.

·        Turn on all PC’s and printer’s, check that they are working.  If there are any problems, place an ‘Out of Order’ sign on the device and notify the appropriate people.

·        Check the printers; replace the toner and fill the paper trays if necessary.

·        Check the cabinet for stored paper. If the cabinet is low then refill.

·        Empty any recycled or discarded paper into the recycle bins.

(FRIDAY: Collect the recycle bins from outside SIBT, and place them back in the appropriate rooms.)


General Procedures:


·        Tell the students to have their Student ID cards displayed in the card holder, which can be located on the front of every computer monitor. They must display their ID cards at all times.

·        Check the printers.

·        Check the ‘mini bins’ for food scraps etc, and empty them into the large bins located in the corridor.

·        Report any problems to the relevant people who can fix the problem.

(Thursday afternoon: Collect the recycle bins and place them on the road in front of SIBT)



Evening Procedures:


·        Check student numbers in all rooms, if numbers are quite low in a room, close a room at your discretion. Obviously keep one room open until closing time. (Only after 4.30pm)

·        Check the paper and the toner, if they are low please replenish

·        Tidy all the rooms; push chairs under the tables etc.



Closing Up:


·        At 15 minutes to closing, advise all students that, ‘the lab will be closing in 10 minutes time, please start to save your work immediately. Thank you.’

·        Then when there is 10 minutes to close warn all the students that all PC’s will be logged out in 5 MINUTES!

·        5 minutes to go ask everyone to leave the labs and start to shut down the PC’s.

·        Check the rooms are tidy: chairs put away, rubbish cleared etc.

·        Turn off all the lights and close the door. Make sure that the doors are locked





·        STUDENT ID checks regularly.

·        Check printers for toner and paper regularly (the same time you check for student ID cards).

·        If a PC is unattended for some time, please log the PC out.

·        Check for food and drinks, if the student is eating or drinking, ask the students to leave the Labs. However if the student has food or drink and is not eating or drinking it, ask him/her to place the food or drink in their bag.

·        Roam into each room and clean it if necessary, whether or not it is busy!

·        Be aware of laptop set-up or pack-up times. This includes all IT equipment.

·        If you catch a person using their mobile phone, ask them to go outside to talk and ask them to switch the phone off next time they are in the labs

·        If you catch a student using chat programs or playing games on the computer, you need to reset their password and fill in the description of their offence in their net-ware admin profile. When you have caught a student you need to give them a warning and inform them, that next time they are caught they will be referred to the head demon or the front office up stairs. (See Gina or one of the front desk staff) If they have been caught more than once in a semester you need to refer them to the head demon or the front office upstairs.

·        There may be two demons working at the same time, one in the new labs and another in the old labs. The demon working in the old labs is the main demon. He or she is responsible for coordinating the laptop set-up and pick-up with the second demon.

·        If you use a ream of paper you need to fill out the paper usage form located in the demon’s filing cabinet in room E3A 167. This includes storing paper in the new labs.

·        Uniform is compulsory and must be worn at all times. This involves wearing black long pants or skirt and the SIBT shirt.

·        Use the Diary for day - to – day notes, when you have something to note, which is relevant to the next demon, all demons must check this diary. (Which is located in the filing cabinet) The diary is one of the student diaries.

·        Please make sure that you answer your mobile phone outside and that you do not eat in the labs.


Please make sure that you do follow the procedures to the letter.


Matthew Mansour

Head Demonstrator

SIBT, Macquarie University

North Ryde, NSW 2019