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Cats- the best pets

Cats as Pets

1. never fuck with friends. it makes them too brat! 2. never se dryg ut. stop looking as a tune fish at zoologiska 3. when you make up, do it at home. i beg. who wants to see your green concealer?4. behave. read some good books. LEARN, and the world will learn from you 5. if you write with small letters only, do it only because of your laziness 6. stop talking french just because of its beauty. learn the pronunciation and read v. hugo’s books first 7. don’t underestimate my stupidness just because i’ve black hair. it leads you straight into a big blond grave 8. love musik, as much as you hope i will love you! 9. på synthställen, stop rolling up your eyes. your blodsprängda vitor ser rätt läbbiga ut. 10. if you’re drunk - enjoy vomiting on my carpet. but i warn you girl: never let your ölflaska out of sight later on