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Proverbs homepage
What is Proverbs?

Now for something completely different... ME! My name is Peyton, but I've many alter-egos, such as Pdog and the Mad Hatter. I am in a band, a relatively new band, called Proverbs. If you want to know more, check the link. Ok, moving on. I like to consider myself different, original, and unique. Unfortunately, in this day and age, there's really no such thing. No matter how hard you try, you can't escape falling in a category. Even trying to not be labeled labels you! That is my primary grudge against society. My other is that I hate authority. Anywho, where was I? Oh yeah I was ranting. I also consider my self a poet. A poet that isn't that good at poetry. Maybe I'm just an unappreciated scholar? Who isn't good at school. Heh heh.Hey, wanna herar a joke? Ok, two sausages are frying in a frying pan. One says to the other "Man, it's getting hot in here", to which the other replies "HOLY CRAP! A TALKING SAUSAGE!" Ok, I think I've crossed the point of ranting and on into the zone of rambling. Sense waved bye bye a looong time ago. It's like 4:30 am and sausage sounds kinda good. Ok, I'll update this site later, maybe put in a picture gallery or something, but it really doen't matter because I doubt anyone is reading this. Or started reading it but gave up by this point.(Oh and sign my guestbook. If you don't I'll get depressed and probably hang myself.)

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