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To: My dear audiences, Subject: Extreme Priority – With friends like these Objet: Priorité Extrême – Avec amis comme ceux-ci URL: (ENCODED - different) I HAVE A BRAND NEW IMAGE FOR TODAY, ABOUT THE VERY SANITATION STANDARDS I HAVE TO FACE WHILE BEING CONFINED TO LIVING HERE; AND AS USUAL, IT’S INCLUDED IN THE ZIP FILE LISTED ABOVE AND ONLY THE MAIL ADDRESS PROVIDING RECIPIENTS WILL ACQUIRE THE IMAGE FOR TODAY. THIS IS THE EMERGENCE OF A SEWER FLOWING OPENLY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TOWN, THE SAME THING THAT CAUSES MOSQUITOES AND THE SAME THING THAT SHOWS THE REASONS WHY I CANNOT STAND STILL AND WAIT FOR THE MERCY OF THE FORMER LAND. THAT COUNTRY IS BEING LED BY A GROUP OF PERSONS THAT CLAIM TO BE GREAT FIGURES; THEY MAY OR THEY MAY NOT BE AMONG THEM. THAT’S OUT OF QUESTION FOR TODAY. BUT IF I AM TO JUDGE THEM OVER MY OWN CASE, I CAN JUST TELL YOU THAT NOBODY BECOMES GREATER TREADING FEET OVER OTHER PEOPLE AND USING THEIR BODIES LIKE SOME RED CARPET OR SOME PAVEMENT. I AM IN CONDITIONS FAR FROM SANITATION, I AM IMPOVERISHED AND THERE IS A DELIBERATE IMPOVERISHMENT POLICY UNDER CONDITIONS FAR FROM HUMANLY (OR DIVINE – AS THE ISSUE OF CITIZENSHIP IS DELAYED OVER A BUNCH OF LIES, I REALLY WONDER WHEN THEY CALL ME DIVINE, HOW DO THESE FIGURES CONFESS THEIR SINS OR ERRORS; ARE THESE CREDIBLE FIGURES?) AND WHAT IS REALLY HARD TO STAND IS THE FACT THAT PEOPLE AROUND ME ARE THERE TO PLAY POOR AND OBSTRUCT ME WITH NO MONEY EVER GIVEN PROPERLY, AS THEY HAVE SHUNNED REPARATIONS BY THE WAY THEY PROVIDE THEIR AUTHORITY TO BE IMPLEMENTED HERE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF TIME AND MY DESPAIR. ARE THESE PEOPLE FRIENDLY? OR LET’S ASK IT THIS WAY: ARE THOSE PEOPLE FRIENDS OF THOSE THAT ARE DECLARED TO BE BENEFITING FROM MY CAPTIVITY? WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE HOW FAR CAN YOU ALL GO? WHO WILL YOU TRUST IN? IF THE SHEEP ARE DISOWNED AND ARE TO DEPEND ON SUCH CROOKS, HOW CAN WE BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE SAFEGUARDING YOU ALL FROM DOOM SCENARIO, THEY VIOLATE SEVEN DEADLY SINS AND TEN COMMANDMENTS AT A SINGLE STROKE LIKE THIS? DOES THE FORMER LAND’S PEOPLE HAVE SOME BLIND CORNER OR SIGHT WHEN IT COMES TO HAVING HUMANLY LEADERS, WHO DO NOT NECESSARILY HAVE TO BE ME? If you cannot come out of the ostrich’s pit where it hides its head, these people will hurt you the way I do, because all that they do is to benefit from their possession of power by having kicked me to some ghetto; as I am disturbed by the way they treat me and act like a monopoly limiting my way out and finding me any option having to do with bringing alternatives in the way I want to prove who I am and I do not want to come to depend on them or want to see their power as the ultimate to represent my roots. I do not consent I be forced to live with them because these figures are totally abusing their powers driven by undercover operatives and these figures should be warned and they should see their people’s muscles flexed. It’s going to be very selfish to demand their removal from power only because of me, as this will send the wrong signal as if I wish to remove them to claim the power for myself, but these people also lie to you and these are the figures that you see in clean dresses appearing in your congregation’s mess and they treat me like crap here and the best thing they do is not to cooperate with me but punish me for complaining and if they talk about me as if I am that certain person rather than the humble me as I once was and I wish to be again, I don’t believe it will be enduring and lasting to try to cooperate with these people. I have several country’s fact sheets before me on how to settle back in the places I was born but since the places I was born in are under exposure of the former land as well, I need protectorate by another country that can effectively protect me, which can be a continental European country if any tried alternative will not work and if my mother’s land will be forcing me to dig a tunnel to the other end of the world with a single needle, not even a shovel and my mother’s land is a country I should be feeling the warmth of my mother, which I especially needed when I was in police precincts or the court house but they never came and they were supposed to be friends; and with friends like these I do not wish to go on as I regard the coming days as the limited few days of the authorities of the country that raised my mother, which I can’t explicitly talk about here because of being tracked, the way any important spiritual date of this life wasn’t allowed to be uttered. I am alone and I have to fight for things the solution of which will still dissatisfy me because in the end I will end up only a little better than I am right now as I will be still forced to be on hold for who I don’t want to be with and even if I should become a former land national and if I will be treated better as somebody to take over someday, the former land undercover that still teases me even though there may be orders of leaving me alone and unprovoked may have been said by the top authorities, as they may be on guard and auditing those closer to me under specific hours and in specific terms. I do not in particular wish to be part of some relation with somebody I wish to keep off from for having hurt my little children; as I have uttered who should come first for me in that context, yet I do not want that intended to feel as if once we are together, she can take me for granted and leave me or disappoint me; thus I will enable an option for all those I have been interested in starting from my first love to present, of those that have been claiming to have treated me negatively under pressure of the network; these figures will be welcome also to be part of the team and part of my closer circle of interior life once they will come up with evidences along with their purity and prove that they had been under pressure of such figures. I have been alone for so long that I want the unity to be comfortable, not limiting and never inconvenient; the one to give the flavor to my life should be trustworthy and should always be there to stay. Especially when I have to wake up with nightmares of finding me chased by those I have to defend myself, I come to ask why somebody to share my life has to be so precious as to be a rarity, especially when what I have to provide is the ACTUAL rarity. I hope those that are ruthless and stone hearted will be facing the sentiment that they have long deserved and I will come up with fairer living conditions. And now, let me hear what they have to tell: The tape for today starts. This was recorded from a call made within last 24 hours, with duration of no less than 5 minutes. One of the lines belong to a fish restaurant and the other is owned by a fish wholesale market shop: 1: Apparently, our little foolish friend has no intent to learn anything from the lessons our college has to offer. Pity on him, but we are professionals and he needs a penalty with the dunce slogan to be matched to him. 2: Damn right. For this we are assembling the disciplinary committee. A punishment will be decided, but our chief intent is to give him the news that mother’s country’s operatives have come along with an interpreter and show that they are looking for him and that they wanted to denounce him to the police. 1: Yes, he writes so badly that very soon Hitchcock is going to dump our own supporters out there. We can’t afford to buy him an island, just as we can’t afford to give him some place among us. He is alright out there and has to live that way. 2: Boy, I really want to see the impression on his face when he hears they have come for him. 1: We have very gifted actors. The guild that hires them is also proud of them; but I need to state that this is based on a true story unlike any fiction. 2: Yeah, mum’s gonna give him a smack and he will learn to shut up. Yours faithfully, Veuillez agréer P.S. I made today face civilian related cyber activity disconnection and I may be tried to be teased by so-called local authorities of security. The country that harbors them should be reminded of the consequences with all the negotiation plans and persons that they have to face to be changed with a vengeance by authorities of some countries that are members but they have diplomatic frictions or recognition issues. They need a certain league more than that league needs them; because they depend on my captivity and I want to be free. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!