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Neighborhood News

Hello and welcome to the official Neighborhood News website. I, Lead Editor Justin,will be updating it frequently, and including articles from the Newsletter in the Articles Page. Please enjoy!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here I will post news about the Newspaper. Pretty ironic. I'll include changes made, and other stuff, too! Check out what's going on right now!----------------------------------------------------------------------- We are done with the first newsletter ( we just finished!) and our editing team is very happy. Thanks to all who bought a copy, hope you enjoy it!--------------------------------------------------------------- Our editing team is expanding, so talk to me about joining the team! We'd love more editors, designers, etc. All kinds of work is open! Contact me!--------------------------------------------------------- Everyone, we're already working on the second and third issues. They will be released soon. Hope you can wait until then!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Only people who work for me can read the next part, so don't strain yourself to try to decode the message. It's important for the upcoming newsletters. 8,5,13,13,15! 5,23,5,18,25,15,14,5 9,19 4,15,9,14,7 7,18,5,1,20!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are my employee this should be easy to read using the code I gave you. If I haven't given it to you yet, contact me. All coded messages I post on the site will use the same code. Everything that doesn't have a comma next to it means there is a space after it. Example, the above 4,15,9,14,7 has no comma after the 7. That means there's a space.
