
Narrator 1: A month later from Colin's return after his near death, Amy and Ephram are walking down the street hand and hand, they see Colin walking alone.

Colin: (sarcastically) there's the happy couple! Amy: Colin are you ever going to get over the fact im going out with Ephram now? its been a month!

Ephram: come on Amy we don't want to be late for school. Colin: that's right! walk away!

Narrator 2: Colin storms off in the other direction, mumbling something to himself. Amy: what has gotten into him? ever since we have been dating he’s been acting all weird.

Ephram: I don't know, but the way he was looking at you just now, wasn't a good thing i know that.

Amy: you don't think he would try to hurt me? or you,

Narrator 1: Ephram and Amy walk the rest of the way to school in silence, when they get to school there is a large crowd of people in the school yard, and in the middle is Colin.

Colin: Now if you ask me, paying someone to date you is just pathetic!

Narrator 2: All the kids turn and burst into laughter as Ephram and Amy walk to wards the crowd.

Student 1: ha ha, you paid her to date you!?

Ephram: WHAT!? who told you that!? I never paid Amy to date me!

Student 2: sure you didn't, Colin told us everything!

Narrator 1: Amy runs into the school crying.

Scene 14

Narrator 2: After school Ephram And Amy walk home in silence. The only sound is a near by dog barking.

Dr. Brown: Hey son, how was school?

Ephram: Colin told everyone that I paid Amy to date me!

Dr. Brown: oh, I see.

Narrator 1: Ephram and his dad talk long into the night, discussing the issue and what Ephram should do about it.

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