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Hey guys this is fairly new but I got the basics. On the bottom of the page there is a link to my small anime gallery and (maybe in the future) some stuff you can download. This page right here shows mainly cool XBOX information well worth reading and right now i got a bio on Linkin Park. I dont do anything with email but you can IM me on AIM on my screen name: BIgJohnGiant.

Ninja Gaiden for XBOX

The same man who brought the stunning graphics on Dead or Alive 3 is delivering this awesome game to the people. According to my knowledge, this is a sequel or something to a much older looking game. This is going to be one of the best action games ever. Ever gotten sick of hiding in Splinter Cell? This game has no stealth. "NINJA GAIDEN is a pure action game. Not stealth. all fighting, bombs, shuriken, magic powers. No stealth" -Tomonobu Itagaki.

The hero, Ryu Hayabusa, basically has no limits. He can jump, climb, run, swing, throw, slice, and combine any of those to perform really cool dodges attacks and other stuff. It is supposed to have some of the best graphics and undefineable and uncomparable graphics in the little movies throughout. The game seems not to have multiplayer capability but it still will be one of the top games to buy. It ships out here this fall. Now all we gotta do is wait...


Linkin Park is a revolutionary band that blends rock, rap, and techno to create a fresh new sound that millions can relate to and enjoy. Linkin Park began as Xero, an aspiring band looking for a break in the world of music. After creating several songs, they sent out tapes to various singers. Chester Bennington recieved a tape and imidiatly began working, missing his own birthday to finish the tapes. A week later Chester was flying out to California. The band continued to evolve and chose the name Hybrid Theory. After playing several times for large groups of labels, Warner Brothers finally signed a deal with them. To avoid a conflict with another band, they changed there name to Linkin Park. After months of hard work Linkin Park released there album "Hybrid Theory". With four hits including "One Step Closer", "Crawling", "In the End", and "Papercut", the album went platinum. A year later, after millions of concerts, sales, and promotion the album went Triple Platinum.

The band Linkin Park goes back all the way to Junior High School. Mike Shinoda and Brad Delson both went to school in Agora, Southern California. Brad and Mike became fast friends sharing there love for music with each other. Vague ideas of starting a band came up during recess and after school hours. Mike and Brad were both well adjusted students, popular among friends, but didn't belong to any particular group. Instead finding there identity in the music they created. Brad and Mike both were friends threwout junior high and high school.

During Mike's first year of college at Pasedena Art Center, he met up with Joe Hahn, who had a passion for electronic music and turn tables. The two became friends and met up with Brad on many occasions and jammed. The ideas of creating a band became more serious with the three friends. Joe dropped out of school for a job producing special effects for movies. Mark Wakefirld and Dave Farrell(Pheonix) joined up, and the group adopted the name "Super Xero" or "Xero" for short. Xero began as just something to do in the band's spare time. They played at parties, get togethers, and other small events for fun.

Super Xero, though one band, played separatly. First Mark, Dave, and Brad would play hard rock, next Mike and Joe would do a hard core hip hop session. Eventually the different parts jelled together and the unified "Super Xero" was created.

Super Xero had formed, and was creating music and sending it to record companies, but the main focus was still on having fun. The song "esaul" that eventually became "A place for my head" was sent out, plus the demo for "By Myself". The band mentioned later that these songs showed the self doubt and uncertainty they felt during this time.

The band emerged from this period with a new sense of determination, changing there name to Hybrid Theory to reflect there desire to get serious. The band continued to play gigs around the San Fransico area, one time playing in front of 6 recording companies. During this time Mike was taking his finals and said he didn't sleep for 2 weeks he was so nervous. Despite the band's touring, none of the record companies were willing to sponsor Hybrid Theory.

Again a sense of doubt began to wash over the band, causing Pheonix and Mark to jump ship, both for different reasons. Hybrid Theory, knowing they needed a vocals, began sending out demo tapes to various singers.

By the time Chester was recommended to Hybrid Theory he had been singing solo and with different bands, for 9 years. He had even made two records with a band called Grey Daze. Chester recieved the demo tapes from Hybrid Theory and was so inspired he missed his own birthday to complete recording his voice overs. He sent them back and 3 days later he was on a plane to join the band.

Chester and Mike's singing clicked and they became fast friends. The band, now with a 2 singers, guitarist, drummer, and turn-tablist began working hard on there album.The band used the internet to create Street Teams across the USA to distribute material and send out demo tapes. The band would then come to the town of one of the Street Team's and play there.

The band continued to tour in different areas of the United States. Soon the band released two 3 track EP's in 1998. They were sent out to contacts among the Industry, and only around 1,000 copies were created.

Hybrid Theory finally was noticed by a major Recording Company, Warner Brothers. Hybrid Theory signed with them in 1999 and continued working on there album with a new sense of confidence. The title of the band became a problem, because of signing with a major label. Warner Brothers notified them that conflicts could arise because of bands with similar names.

The band needed a new name and Chester provided it. He had a park near his home called "Lincoln Park", which spawned the idea of Linkin Park. The spelling was changed so the band could have a unique domain name.

On October 24th 2000 Linkin Park completed there album "Hybrid Theory." Within the first month 300,000 copies had been sold and after 6 months the album had gone platinum.

I got this Linkin Park info from Celebrity Storm