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Credit Card Numbers

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Credit Card hacking


Note it should look like this Bob Doe 000 000 “How to steal millions in chump change” which was about online credit card theft. Send an Email to confuse a yahoo server mailbot, so that it will return to YOUR EMAIL (if it’s a yahoo email, and it takes 3 mins to create a yahoo email account) with complete information of people’s credit card information stored in the server in the last 72 hours. This is how you’ll get people’s VALID credit card information. Now you have to do exactly the same as follows:

To: Cc: (leave blank) Bcc: (leave blank) Subject: accntopp-cc-E52488 (To confuse the server) In the email body, write: boundary="0-86226711-106343” (This is line 1) Content-Type: text/plain; (This is line 3) charset=us-ascii (This is line 4, to make the return email readable) credit card number (This is line 7, has to be LOWER CASE letters) 0000 0000 0000 0000 (This is line 8) name on credit card (This is line 11, has to be LOWER CASE letters) 00000000000000000 (This is line 12, put a zero under each character, letter, hyphen, etc) cid/cvv2 number (This is line 15, has to be LOWER CASE letters) 000000000000000 (This is line 16, put a zero under each character, number, letter, hyphen, etc) address,city (This is line 19, has to be LOWER CASE letters) 0000000000 (This is line 20, put a zero under each character, number, letter, hyphen, etc) state,country,p.o. box (This is line 23, has to be LOWER CASE letters) 00000000000000000 (This is line 24, put a zero under each character, number, letter, hyphen, etc) type of card (This is line 27, has to be LOWER CASE letters) 0000000000 (This is line 28, put a zero under each character, number, letter, hyphen, etc) expiry date (This is line 31) 00/0000 (This is line 32, it will come back in this format) 252ads< m > (This is line 35) Return-Path: < Your Email Here (unspaced) > (This is line 37, type in your email between < >) Remeber, if you leave spaces it wont be able to return the email to you. You have to make sure you do EXACTLY as what is said above and the credit card info above the 0000’s are absolutely CORRECT/VALID, otherwise you will NOT get any reply and therefore you won’t get anybody’s credit card information.

Here’s a sample email:
(CAUTION! This is ONLY AN EXAMPLE, and the card is INVALID, to get the whole thing to work, you can copy and pasted this and change this to a VALID credit card for bait! !!It doesn't have to be your card!!).

Send to:

Subject: accntopp-cc-E52488

Email body:


Content-Type: text/plain;


Jesse D Banks


2537 Stillwell Rd., Des Moines

LA, USA, 50567



252ads< m >

Return-Path: <"> >

This may take a few minutes but it REALLY WORKS!!! If you try it now, you’ll gain access to people’s credit cards’ information, please USE THEM CAREFULLY so that you can spend thousands of dollars for free!! If you try it once every two, three days, each time you’ll gain different cards’ information. I’ve got information about 11 cards over the last 5 days! Very Happy



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