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Hello all you losers (Josie) who are actually looking at my website. As I have no urge to make this
website nice in any way, but only to use the background "Mango", i dont have much to write. Plus,
as i said, the only person who is going to look at this is Josie, and she knows everything about me
and doesn't need/want to hear it again. Well Josie... TOO FUCKING BAD!!! Mwahahahaha... I will
tell you once more all the things about me that you already know, and you will listen. AND YOU
WILL ENJOY IT! Understand? OK, now that we've gotten that out of the way, lets begin:
P.s. For future reference, I can't spell, or type. So, there is likely to be MANY errors.

This is my personal motto. Beat old people,
and make them bleed...

...because, of course, they are inferior to us and deserve to suffer.
p.s. if you are not Josie, and you are old... then I'm just kidding.

My favorite band is Green Day, even though you (I'm talking to josie now, innocent
bystander) seem to have forsaken them for the stupid, stinking doors. Weel, as you can
see here, their black-and-white picture is 10x better than The Doors' black-and-white
picture, so eat your heart out, boday. By the way, that was Canadian talk, in case you
were confused.

UPDATE: DEC. 23, 2002: The doors are better. I have seen the error of my ways.

This is the best way in the world to tell someone that you don't like then anymore.
Write a poem about it, e-mail it to them, and then post it on your website. Hate Mail,
ala Josie.

If you want more butt-kicking action and bundles of joy, click here.

My Quizzes ~ Josie's Website ~ Pictures ~ My Quiz Results ~ My Favorites ~ Games ~ Diary ~ E-Mail Me