Mitzi's Page of Ulta-Super-Crappiness

Well this is basically a page about me, Mitzi. I am a rockin' chick. Yes, it is true. And so is my best friend. We like to hang out, make others' lives hell, pick up guys, and other fun stuff! That's just what we do. All the time. But enough about her...let's talk about me. I like to listen to music a lot. My favorite bands are The Misfits, Depeche Mode (I love 80s pop), The Cure, and of course you gotta love shit like AFI and The Nerve Agents. Of course I love the local stuff too, like my friend "Lexi's" band Agnostia, and of course there's always Gabe's band Zombie Youth (I want my shirt Gabe!). But enough about music. What else do I do in my spare time, you might want to know? Or you might not want to know...but either way, I'll tell you. I like to make new friends, drink and make merry (only occasionally though), go to concerts/shows (Club Impact is the place to be to see some rockin' shows!). And sometimes SOMETIMES, I like to seduce drunk boys and have my way with them (haha James). But usually I'm just an average, nice person. Ok on with the "shout-outs"..

Helloooo to All My Friends!

Destiny is my bestestestestest friend! She's the one in the picture with me. Yep, so as I'm sure you can all see, she's one sexy bitch. Me and her do everything together, and we both like guys but we one day plan on going dyke. So HA to all you guys! Mitzi and Giz forever right? Yeah they like you better (hahaha)! I love you soooo much, nothing will keep us apart! Des..I want you (to join the army?). Haha. Any hot guys interested in porking her just go ahead and e-mail her, but good luck cuz she's MIIINNE

Becky is the GREATEST. I love you Jake! Damian, Jakey, and Trix...we totally fucked her over dude! She deserved it though. Stupid Megan...let's beat her up. So when we gonna capture all those sexy boys and have our way with them? Andrew's a fuckhead, you deserve better. Me and you need to date seriously. Haha I so would too! Love you Beck. Guys, you can e-mail her too, but she ain't looking to fuck so tough shit.

Peter....ahhh Peter. I love this boy. He's always there for me, but I do find it kinda weird that he wants anal sex from me THAT BAD. Come on Pete, you're not gonna get it! I can't wait to come see you in a few months...Atlanta will be fun you Tyranosaurus you. We'd better be fucking all day every day, I mean it! We're gonna get married, mark my words. Love ya Pete. I want your guitar strap (among other things...)!

James is one ultra-sexy mufucka. I love him, but I'll love him even more when he goes to prom with me this year. You're great when you're drunk James, a real GENTLEMAN (and I have the bruises to prove it you jerk). I enjoyed sleeping in your closet with you, and I swear I didn't even notice the next morning when your junk was all hanging out. Haha, but seriously James is the greatest. What are you gonna get me for my birthday huh? Huh? HUH?! Haha.

Gabe ith a cool guy. He'th in a band and everything. Tho what if he hath a lithp? HAHA. I'll beat you up Gabe. And then steal your vinyl, oh yes. Where's my Zombie Youth shirt BITCH? I'm gonna move into his closet soon, just as soon as I find a way to get to THICAGO! Yeah you're a loser Gabe. Sex ox. HA. Funny guy though, and you finally beat Mario I'm so proud to be your friend!

Eric is the most awesomest person EVER! He's all ultra-sweet and stuff. He always offers to bake me cookies, and I love that about him (but I'm sure one day I'll actually accept and get fat and that'll suck). He's also head-over-heels for his girlfriend, which is cool cuz most guys are SCUM when it comes to being faithful KNOW WHAT I MEAN ERIC?! Eric totally listens when I bitch about how much I miss Peter and he never gets annoyed (or if he does, he doesn't make it vocal) so that's great. OH and he's getting me a plastic flamingo for my birthday! HOW COOL IS THAT?! I plan on naming it and carrying it around with me alllll the time! Woo! Go Eric! We're gonna be old women together right? =)

Pat is the most awesome (say awesome for me again, I love your accent) guy! College will be fun, but I'll miss being able to talk to you all the time. Jerkface, you're growing up on me! Party scene got old huh? Yeah, I knew it would...but it's just beginning for me so let me have my fun huh? And keep an eye on Zack for me, make sure he doesn't get raped by some uglies or anything. Haha.

Zack, be careful! You're a good looking guy, don't let them take advantage of you! I'm sorry I bitched to you about Peter so much, but you know how much I care. We better keep in touch when you leave or so help me God I'll track you down and beat you up! Damn know I will too. Party scene looking good so far? Send me some booze through the mail, hur hur.

McDeady!!!!! I love you!!!! No, but you're awesome. When we gonna have the first meeting of the "I Hate James" club? And where's my porn ya freak?! And my drawing? Come to think of it, you owe me a lot... I'll be sure and tell you if anyone messes with me so you can go "Alpha Psycho Gorilla on PCP" on their ass. You're almost 21! Wooo! Yay for the bastard Leos! Love ya much doll.

Marie is the shit dude. She's like the hottest chick ever. And don't try to say you're not cuz you know you are 'Rie! Sad fact though, guys, she's engaged already. Oh well, she's my sister and everyone knows incest is best HA (by the by, she's not my real sister, just a good friend....and incest is NOT best..)! I better be invited to your wedding or both you and Dustin are getting a boot up your ass...not joking =) Love ya 'Riehead.

Me, well I'm just here cuz I felt the need to be COOL. So yeah. I like stuff, like disco and GWAR (two COMPLETELY different things), and sleeping in James's closet. I like threatening to "beat the lisp" out of Gabe (which I do fairly often), and I like pretending to be someone I'm really not ("Hi my name's Damian.."). I also like to ride in the back of Becky's truck with James when he's pretty close to shitfaced drunk and she drives around aimlessly, then all of a sudden decides to go FOUR WHEELING! Yeah, with me and a drunk guy in the back! Yeah that was fun....oh wait NO IT WASN'T! Haha you suck Becky. I like to mess with peoples' minds out of sheer boredom, that's always great. Shit you guys don't care. I'm done. E-mail me if you wanna talk.
