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Character data version 1


Form: baby

Type: data

Technique/s: bubbles

Digivolves from: egg with green spots


Form: in-training

Type: data

Technique/s: bubbles

Digivolves from: botamon


Form: rookie

Type: vaccine

Possible digimon: koromon

Care mistakes: no limits

Body weight: 15g

Necessary parameters: offense must be highest stat and 10% of HP

Bonus conditions: current digimon-koromon

Digivolution item: NA

Technique/s: spit fire, fire tower, magma bomb, heat laser, red inferno, sonic jab, muscle charge


Form: rookie

Type: virus

Possible digimon: Tanemon

Care mistakes: no limits

Body weight: 15g

Necessary parameters: defense must be the highest stat and 10% of maximum HP

Bonus conditions: current digimon-tanemon

Digivolution item: NA

Technique/s: static elect, electric cloud, giga freeze, ice needle, water blitz, winter blast, aqua magic


Form: champion

Type: vaccine

Possible digimon: agumon

Care mistakes: 1 or less

Body weight: 30g

Necessary parameters: offense 100; defense 100; speed 100; brains 100

Bonus conditions: discipline gauge: 90%+; techniques: 35+

Digivolution item: grey claws

Technique/s: spit fire, fire tower, magma bomb, prominence beam, heat laser, red inferno, meltdown, dynamite kick, counter, muscle charge, megalo spark, spinning shot


Form: champion

Type: data

Possible digimon: agumon, gabumon, patamon

Care mistakes: 5 or less

Body weight: 30g

Necessary parameters: HP 1,000; defense 100

Bonus conditions: battles: 5 or less; techniques: 28+

Digivolution item: white fang

Technique/s: spit fire, prominence beam, red inferno, sonic jab, dynamite kick, megaton punch, buster drive, tremor, war cry, muscle charge


Form: champion

Type: virus

Possible digimon: angemon

Special digivolutions: the angemon form has a 50%

chance of digivolving into devimon when its discipline

gauge is below 50% and it loses a battle Digivolution item: Black Wings

Technique/s: sonic jab, dynamite kick, megaton punch, counter, war cry, muscle charge, megalo spark, electric cloud, spinning shot, thunder bolt, giga freeze, ice statue


Form: champion

Type: data

Possible digimon: agumon

Care mistakes: 5+

Body weight: 20g

Necessary parameters: offense 100

Bonus conditions: battles: 10+ techniques: 28+

Digivolution item: Fireball

Technique/s: spit fire, fire tower, prominence beam, magma bomb, heat laser, red inferno, infinity burn, dynamite kick, counter, war cry


Form: champion

Type: vaccine

Possible digimon: biyomon

Care mistakes: 1 or less

Body weight: 30g

Necessary parameters: MP 1000; speed 100; brains 100 Bonus conditions: discipline gauge 90%; techniques: 35+ Digivolution item: Rainbowhorn

Special digivolutions: a 30% chance exists of digivolving from birdramon or seadramon when the digimon sleeps when its discipline gauge is at 100%, happiness at 100%, and tiredness is at zero

Technique/s: spit fire, prominence beam, heat laser, static elect, megalo spark, electric cloud, wind cutter, spinning shot, confusion storm, hurricane


Form: champion

Type: data

Possible digimon: betamon

Care mistakes: 3+

Body weight: 30g

Necessary parameters: HP 1000, MP 1000

Bonus conditions: battles: 5 or less, techniques 28+

Digivolution item: Water Bottle

Technique/s: spit fire, magma bomb, stinger, charm perfume, poison powder, tear drop, giga freeze, ice needle, water blitz, winter blast, aqua magic


Form: champion

Type: virus

Possible digimon: all rookie forms

Special digivolutions: when the digivolution period ends your digimon will digivolve into this form if it has met no other digivolution conditions

Digivolution item: N.A.

Technique/s: horizontal kick, skunk spray, quick poop throw, giant poop throw, random poop throw, quick random poop throw, giant random poop throw, ultimate poop bomb


Form: ultimate

Type: virus

Possible digimon: greymon, monochromon, meramon, tyrannomon, drimogemon

Care mistakes: 10 or less

Body weight: 65g

Necessary parameters: HP 4000, MP 3000, offense 500, defense 500, speed 300, brains 300

Bonus conditions: battles 30+; techniques 30+

Digivolution item: Metal Parts

Technique/s: heat laser, infinity burn, meltdown, megaton punch, buster dive, tremar, power crane, delete program, pulse laser, devolve program, metal splinter, mega range beam, DG dimension, full power


Form: ultimate

Type: data

Possible digimon: leomon, ninjamon, frigimon, whamon, mojyamon

Care mistakes: 15+

Body weight: 5g

Necessary parameters: offense 400, defense 300, speed 300, brains 400

Bonus conditions: happiness gauge 95%+; techniques 25+

Digivolution item: Silver Ball

Technique/s: sonic jab, dynamite kick, megaton punch, counter, buster dive, tremar, war cry, muscle charge, power crane, pulse laser, devolve program, metal splinter, full power


Form: ultimate

Type: vaccine

Possible digimon: numemon

Care mistakes: 0

Body weight: 40g

Necessary parameters: HP 3000, MP 3000, offense 300, defense 300, speed 300, brains 300

Bonus conditions: battles 50+; techniques 49+ Digivolution item: X Bandage

Technique/s: sonic jab, dynamite kick, megaton punch, counter, buster dive, tremar, war cry, muscle charge, static elect, electric cloud, megalo spark, thunder bolt, confusion storm

Character data version 2


Form: baby

Type: data

Technique/s: bubbles

Digivolves from: egg with blue stripes


Form: in training

Type: data

Technique/s: bubbles

Digivolves from: punimon


Form: rookie

Type: data

Possible digimon: koromon

Care mistakes: no limits

Body weight: 15g

Necessary parameters: defense or speed must be highest Bonus conditions: current digimon-koromon

Digivolution item: N/A

Technique/s: fire tower, heat laser, sonic jab, dynamite kick, megaton punch, tremar, war cry


Form: rookie

Type: data

Possible digimon: tsunomon

Care mistakes: no limits

Body weight: 15g

Necessary parameters: offense or speed must be the highest stat

Bonus conditions: current digimon -Tsunomon

Digivolution item: N/A

Technique/s: dynamite kick, counter, muscle charge, static elect, electric cloud, megalo spark, wind cutter


Form: champion

Type: vaccine

Possible digimon: biyomon, kunemon

Care mistakes: 1 or less

Body weight: 30g

Necessary parameters: HP 1000, offense 100, defense 100 Bonus conditions: current digimon-kunemon, techniques 35+

Digivolution item: Horn Helmet

Technique/s: spit fire, prominence beam, red inferno, wind cutter, hurricane, poison claw, stinger, green trap, charm perfume, poison powder, moss shield


Form: champion

Type: vaccine

Possible digimon: gabumon, penguinmon

Care mistakes: 1 or less

Body weight: 30g

Necessary parameters: MP 1000, speed 100

Bonus conditions: discipline gauge: 90%+; techniques 28+

Digivolution item: Blue Crystal

Technique/s: spit fire, fire tower, magma bomb, megaton punch, buster dive, war cry, giga freeze, ice needle, ice statue, winter blast, aqua magic


Form: champion

Type: vaccine

Possible digimon: patamon, elecmon

Care mistakes: 0

Necessary parameters: MP 1000, brains 100

Bonus conditions: current digimon-patamon, techniques 35+

Digivolution item: White Wings

Technique/s: dynamite kick, counter, war cry, static elect, megalo spark, electric cloud, wind cutter, spinning shot, confusion storm, hurricane


Form: champion

Type: vaccine

Possible digimon: penguinmon

Care mistakes: 5 or less

Body weight: 30g

Necessary parameters: MP 1000, brains 100

Bonus conditions: happiness gauge 75%+; techniques 28+ Digivolution item: Ice Crystal

Technique/s: sonic jab, muscle charge, tear drop, giga freeze, ice needle, water blitz, ice statue, winter blast, aurora freeze, aqua magic


Form: champion

Type: vaccine

Possible digimon: agumon, biyomon

Care mistakes: 3+

Body weight: 20g

Necessary parameters: speed 100

Bonus conditions: current digimon-biyomon, techniques 35+

Digivolution item: Flaming Wings

Technique/s: spit fire, fire tower, magma bomb,


Form: champion

Type: vaccine

Possible digimon: palmon, betamon, penguinmon

Care mistakes: 3 or less

Body weight: 40g

Necessary parameters: HP 1000, brains100

Bonus conditions: discipline gauge 60%+; techniques 28+

Digivolution item: North Star

Technique/s: charm perfume, poison powder, tear drop, giga freeze, ice needle, water blitz, ice statue, winter blast, aurora freeze, aqua magic


Form: champion

Type: virus

Possible digimon: kunemon, palmon

Care mistakes: 5+

Body weight: 10g

Necessary parameters: MP 1000

Bonus conditions: happiness gauge 75%+; techniques 21+ Digivolution item: organic fertilizer

Technique/s: poison claw, stinger, green trap, charm perfume, poison powder, moss shield, water blitz, and aqua magic


Form: Ultimate

Type: virus

Possible digimon: greymon, devimon, mojyamon, garurumon, bakemon

Care mistakes: 10+

Body weight: 30g

Necessary parameters: HP 4000, MP 6000, offense, 400, defense, 400, speed 200, brains 500

Bonus conditions: battles 40+, techniques 45+

Digivolution item: Fatal Bone

Technique/s: sonic jab, dynamite kick, megaton punch, counter, buster dive, tremor, war cry, muscle charge, giga freeze, ice statue, winter blast, pulse laser, mega range beam


Form: ultimate

Type: data

Possible digimon: monochromon, ninjamon, kabuterimon, frigimon

Care mistakes: 15 or less

Body weight: 10g

Necessary parameters: offense 500, defense400, speed 400, and brains 400

Bonus conditions: happiness gauge 95%+; techniques 30+

Digivolution item: metal armor

Technique/s: sonic jab, dynamite kick, megaton punch, counter, buster dive, tremor, war cry, muscle charge, delete program, pulse laser, devolve program, mega range beam, metal splinter


Form: ultimate

Type: virus

Possible digimon: all champion form digimon

Special digivolutions: a 50% chance exists of

digivolving into Vademon after 360 hours elapse as a

champion form digimon

Digivolution item: beam gun

Technique/s: green trap, bug, charm perfume, power crane, delete program, pulse laser, devolve program, metal splinter, mega range beam, DG dimension, full power

Character Data Version 3


Form: baby

Type: data

Digivolves from: egg with yellow stripes

Technique: bubbles


Form: in training

Type: data

Digivolves from: poyomon

Technique: bubbles


Form: rookie

Type: data

Possible digimon: tokomon

Care mistakes: no limits

Body weight: 15g

Necessary parameters: offense strength or speed must be the highest stat

Bonus conditions: current digimon tokomon

Digivolution item: N/A

Technique/s: sonic jab, dynamite kick, buster dive, war cry, wind cutter, spinning shot, confusion storm


Form: Rookie

Type: Virus

Possible digimon: Koromon, tokomon, tsunomon, tanemon

Special digivolutions: A 50% chance exists a digimon will digivolve into this form when sleeping in kunemons bed

Digivolution item: N/A

Technique/s: static elect, megalo spark, electric cloud, stinger, poison powder, moss shield


Form: Champion

Type: vaccine

Possible digimon: patamon, biyomon

Care mistakes: 3 or less

Body weight: 30g

Necessary parameters: HP 1000, speed 100

Bonus conditions: battles: 10+; techniques 35+

Digivolution item: unihorn

Technique/s: dynamite kick, counter, war cry, static elect, megalo spark, electric cloud, wind cutter, spinning shot, confusion storm, hurricane


Form: champion

Type: data

Possible digimon: agumon, gabumon

Care mistakes: 3 or less

Body weight: 30g

Necessary parameters: brains 100

Bonus conditions: discipline gauge 60%+ techniques 35+

Digivolution item: iron hoof

Technique/s: Spitfire, fire tower, magma bomb, prominence beam, heat laser, red inferno, meltdown, dynamite kick, counter, muscle charge


Form: champion

Type: virus

Possible digimon: gabumon, patamon

Care mistakes: 5+

Body weight: 30g

Necessary parameters: HP 1000, offense 100

Bonus conditions: battles 15+, techniques 35+

Digivolution item: spike club

Technique/s: Spitfire, magma bomb, red inferno, sonic jab, dynamite kick, megaton punch, buster dive, tremor, war cry, poison crow, insect plague


Form: champion

Type: virus

Possible digimon: elecmon, tanemon

Care mistakes: 3+

Body weight: 20g

Necessary parameters: MP 1000

Bonus conditions: happiness gauge: 75%+ techniques 28+ Digivolution item: Torn Tatter

Special digivolutions: a 5% chance of digivolving exists when defeated by illness or loss in battle during rookie form.

Technique/s: static elect, megalo spark, electric cloud, wind cloud, wind cutter, spinning shot, thunder bolt, hurricane, giga freeze, winter blast, aqua magic


Form: champion

Type: data

Possible digimon: betamon, penguinmon

Care mistakes: 5+

Body weight: 40g

Necessary parameters: HP 1000, defense 100

Bonus conditions: current digimon betamon, techniques 28+

Digivolution item: red shell

Technique/s: charm perfume, poison powder, tear drop, giga freeze, ice needle, water blitz, ice statue, winter blast, aurora magic, aqua magic


Form: champion

Type: data

Possible digimon: gabumon, betamon

Care mistakes: 3+

Body weight: 40g

Necessary parameters: offense 100

Bonus conditions: happiness gauge: 75%+ techniques 28+

Digivolution item: steel drill

Technique/s: sonic jab, dynamite kick, megaton punch, counter, buster dive, tremor, war cry, muscle charge, green trap, charm perfume


Form: champion

Type: virus

Possible digimon: all

Special digivolutions: digivolve into this digimon

when the # of field poops reaches 16

Techniques: all filth techniques


Form: ultimate

Type: vaccine

Possible digimon: meramon, centaurmon, ogremon, leomon, angemon

Care mistakes: 5 or less

Body weight: 40g

Necessary parameters: HP 2000, MP 4000, offense 200, defense 400, speed 200, brains 400

Bonus conditions: battles 30+, techniques 30+

Digivolution item: cyber parts

Technique/s: megaton punch, counter, buster dive, tremor, static elect, megalo spark, power crane, delete program, pulse laser, devolve program, metal splinter, mega range beam, DG dimension, full power


Form: ultimate

Type: vaccine

Possible digimon: centaurumon, ogremon, bakemon, unimon

Care mistakes: 15+

Body weight: 5g

Necessary parameters: offense 400, speed 300, brains 400

Bonus conditions: happiness gauge 95%+, battles 100+ Digivolution item: chainsaw

Technique/s: megaton punch, buster dive, megalo spark, electric cloud, thunder bolt, power crane, delete program, pulse laser, devolve program, metal splinter, mega range beam, DG dimension, full power


Form: ultimate

Type: virus

Possible digimon: sukamon

Care mistakes: no limits

Body weight: 15g

Necessary parameters: HP 2000, MP 1000, offense 400, defense 200, speed 400, brains 300

Bonus conditions: battles 50+, techniques 49+ Digivolution item: golden banana

Technique/s: sonic jab, dynamite kick, megaton punch, counter, buster dive, tremor, war cry, muscle charge, megalo spark, spinning shot, thunder bolt, horizontal kick, ultimate poop bomb

Character Data Version 4


Form: baby

Type: data

Technique: bubbles

Digivolves from: egg with pink spots


Form: baby

Type: data

Technique: bubbles

Digivolves from: yuramon


Form: rookie

Type: vaccine

Possible digimon: tokomon

Care mistakes: no limits

Body weight: 15g

Necessary parameters: speed must be the highest stat and 10% of maximum MP

Bonus conditions: current digimon-tokomon

Digivolution item: N/A

Technique/s: spit fire; hear laser, electric cloud, wind cutter, spinning shot, confusion storm, hurricane


Form: rookie

Type: vaccine

Possible digimon: tanemon

Care mistakes: no limits

Body weight: 15g

Necessary parameters: brains must be the highest stat and 10% of maximum MP

Bonus conditions: current digimon-tanemon

Digivolution item: N/A

Technique/s: poison claw, charm perfume, moss shield, tear drop, water blitz, aqua magic


Form: champion

Type: data

Possible digimon: agumon, gabumon

Care mistakes: 3 or less

Body weight: 40g

Necessary parameters: HP 1000, defense 100, brains 100 Bonus conditions: battles 5 or less, techniques 35+

Digivolution item: mono stone

Technique/s: spit fire prominence beam, heat laser, red inferno, meltdown, megaton punch, counter, green trap, insect plague, moss shield


Form: champion

Type: vaccine

Possible digimon: elecmon, biyomon

Care mistakes: 3+

Body weight: 30g

Necessary parameters: HP 1000

Bonus conditions: current digimon-biyomon, techniques 28+

Digivolution item: rooster

Technique/s: dynamite kick, tremor, war cry, static elect, megalo spark, electric cloud, wind cutter, spinning shot, confusion storm, hurricane


Form: champion

Type: vaccine

Possible digimon: patamon, elecmon

Care mistakes: 1 or less

Body weight: 20g

Necessary parameters: offense 100, speed 100, brains 100

Bonus conditions: battles 10+, techniques 35+

Digivolution item: flaming mane Technique/s: sonic jab, dynamite kick, megaton punch, counter, buster dive, tremor, war cry, muscle charge, static elect, megalo spark



Type: virus

Possible digimon: kunemon, palmon

Care mistakes: 5+

Body weight: 30g

Necessary parameters: HP 1000, MP 1000, offense 100, speed 100

Bonus conditions: current digimon-kunemon, techniques 28+

Digivolution item: scissor claw

Technique/s: sonic jab, muscle charge, wind cutter, spinning shot, poison claw, stinger, green trap, charm perfume, poison powder, moss shield


Form: champion

Type: vaccine

Possible digimon: penguinmon

Care mistakes: 5+

Body weight: 20g

Necessary parameters: HP 1000

Bonus conditions: battles 5 or less, techniques 28+

Digivolution item: hair grower

Technique/s: dynamite kick, megaton punch, green trap, moss shield, giga freeze, ice needle, water blitz, winter blast, aurora freeze, aqua freeze


Form: champion

Type: data

Possible digimon: palmon, betamon

Care mistakes: 3+

Body weight: 30g

Necessary parameters: defense 100

Bonus conditions: battles 5+, techniques 35+

Digivolution item: hard scale

Special digivolutions: a 30% chance exists of digivolving from whamon or shellmon when 360 hours have passed since digivolving into champion form

Technique/s: poison crow, stinger, insect plague, tear drop, giga freeze, ice needle, water blitz, ice statue, winter blast, aqua magic


Form: champion

Type: virus

Possible digimon: all rookie forms

Digivolution item:

Special digivolutions: digivolves when performing the scold command with both discipline and happiness gauges at zero

Techniques: dynamite kick, megaton punch, counter, horizontal kick, skunk spray, quick poop throw, giant poop throw, quick random poop throw, giant random poop throw


Form: ultimate

Type: virus

Possible digimon: tyrannomon, devimon, airdramon, seadramon

Care mistakes: 10 or less

Body weight: 55g

Necessary parameters: HP 3000, MP 5000, offense 500, defense 300, speed 400, brains 400

Bonus conditions: battles 30+, techniques 30+

Digivolution item: mega hand

Technique/s: dynamite kick, megaton punch, giga freeze, winter blast, ice statue, power crane, delete program, pulse laser, devolve program, metal splinter, mega range beam, DG dimension, full power

PIXIMON Form: ultimate

Type: data

Possible digimon: kokatorimon, vegimon, ninjamon, kuwagamon

Care mistakes: 15+

Body weight: 5g

Necessary parameters: offense 300, defense 300, speed 400, brains 400

Bonus conditions: discipline gauge 95%+, techniques 25+

Digivolution item: small spear

Technique/s: wind cutter, spinning shot, confusion storm, hurricane, poison crow, stinger, green trap, insect plague, bug, charm perfume, poison powder, moss shield


Form: ultimate

Type: data

Possible digimon: nanimon

Care mistakes: no limits

Body weight: 10g

Necessary parameters: HP 3000, MP 3000, offense 400, defense 400, speed 400, brains 300

Bonus conditions: battles 100+, techniques 49+ Digivolution item: mysty egg

Technique/s: spit fire, fire tower, magma bomb, prominence beam, heat laser, red inferno, infinity burn, meltdown, megalo spark, spinning shot, thunder bolt, confusion storm, hurricane, tear drop, aqua magic

Character Data Version 0


Form: rookie

Type: data

Possible digimon: tsunomon

Care mistakes: no limits

Body weight: 15g

Necessary parameters: brains of defense must be the highest stat

Bonus conditions: current digimon tsunomon

Digivolution item:

Technique/s: poison crow, charm perfume, giga freeze, ice needle, water blitz, winter blast, aqua magic


Form: champion

Type: data

Possible digimon: palmon

Care mistakes: 1 or less

Body weight: 10g

Necessary parameters: MP 1000, offense 100, speed 100 Bonus conditions: battles 15+, techniques 35+

Digivolution item: koga’s laws

Special digivolutions: a 30% chance exists of digivolving from vegimon when the character sleeps after fighting 50+ battles and its discipline gauge is at 100%

Technique/s: fire tower, magma bomb, sonic jab, dynamite kick, counter, war cry, stinger, charm perfume, poison powder, moss shield