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Welcome to the "AOM: Acid Spewing Freaks" official home page! "Acid Spewing Freaks" tells the story of Jax, a mighty hunter who finds himself pulled into a world threatening conflict. Will he and his friends be able to stop the acid spewing freaks before they spread across the face of the world and obliterate all humanity? "Acid Spewing Freaks" is a campaign that utilizes all original materials from AOM: The Titans expansion. In other words, there are no updated character models or textures, I've just made the best use I could of what was there to begin with. Below, you will find a features list and some related links. Email me any questions at!


  • Seven playable scenarios, plus prologue and epilogue
  • Ongoing story that spans all the scenarios
  • Various mission goals and environment types
  • Several reoccuring hero characters
  • Lots and lots of acid spewing freaks!
  • Help text file included with zip

Related links

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