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Ok… I was really bored and decided to get creative, I hope this is some use to you all, and even if it isn’t, I hope you get a good read out of it!

The format of it is creative writing followed by actual game implantation.





Homeworld: Unknown

Natural armor: Very poor

Natural weapons: Very poor

Environment: Terrestrial and aquatic

Atmosphere: Vacuum, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, methane, and ammonia

Forelimbs: Zero

Hindlimbs: Zero

Preferred gravity: 0.0

Gravity tolerance: 0.0-20.0

Diet: None

Size: 2.0m

Weight: 100kg

Strength: Nonexistent

Speed: Nonexistent

Intelligence: Unsurpassed

Psi: Nonexistent

Language name and type: Maven : shipbrain and vocal

Genders: Neuter



A previously unknown species, the source of the Mavens has been found, yet contact has not been initiated as of yet. There is no doubt that what is known of the Maven just leads to more questions about this enigmatic race.




Type: Governmental

Short Name: Initiative

Capital: The Ark-class Space Station "Maven Bioark"

Galaxy Web Node: 5, 342, 0

Species: Maven

Total Members: 1

Tithe: 0%

Stars: None

Planets: None

Stations: None

Arks: 1

Strengths: Genetics and sensors

Weaknesses: Mechanics and weapons

Hulls: None




1                    The Origin of the Mavens

2                    The Growth Cycle of the Mavens

3                    The Maven Physiology: A Brief Primer

a.    Various Physical Characteristics

b.    Galactic Observation

c.    Internal Arrangement

d.    Targeteble Growth, ie. The Decisions We Make

4                    Mavens and Avatars, A look into a symbiotic evolution

5                    Interaction with Gravity Based Environments




1)    The Origin of the Mavens

            The Mavens currently reside in the Ark “Maven Bioark”. This ark is a magnificent example of biogenetic manipulation on a grand scale. The Maven’s themselves are unsure of where the came from or how they came about. As far as the average Maven is concerned, they have always traveled with their ark, looking for something in particular.


            The emergence of the ark into Webbed spaced first started at the fringes of the known galaxy. The multiple sightings of strange ships around the boundaries of inhabited and un-inhabited systems alike was the first sign of them. At the time the GWEB community at large was baffled by these appearances. The race to research what little was known about them resulted in <insert org name> engaging in actual contact with them for the first time. The inclusion of the Mavens into Gweb society came soon after they constructed a node on their ark.


            To this date, no one is really sure where or what the Mavens are, or what their purpose in the galaxy is.



            The Mavens could be introduced slowly at first, starting a new plot line in the galaxy. After a few first fleeting glances, the researchers of all the organizations come up with recording devices. These devices would be usable, turning them on and off. A radar scan when activated would record a point of data, but only for that one encounter. If the maven transmits or responds to a transmit, each transmission would add another point.


            When the scanner is turned in to the org, it would transfer its points into a pool for that organization. There would be a set number of points needed to actually make the maven language chips available. After that the first org to actually find out where the ark is located would receive the honors of having their org named as the ‘Finders of the Maven race’. At that time, the race would become a full-fledged Gweb species. And have the discovering org would have their name inserted in the above history




2)    The Growth Cycle of the Mavens

            The Maven growth cycle is well understood…at least by the Mavens themselves. A Maven egg is a community project, taking a small bit of material from a number of Maven’s. This egg is then incubated at the ark until it is born.

            The young Maven is rather small in size, but has the full capabilities of a starship. Their intelligence at this point is rather high, pulling on the pool of experiences from its parents. The young Maven at this point is a rather inquisitive sophont, exploring and doing small jobs to learn more about the galaxy and of course, gain some credits to spend (Much like youth everywhere in the galaxy).


            As the young Maven grows in age its body slowly increases in size. This increase is accompanied by a gradual increase in abilities. There eventually comes a time when it can support a artificial superstructure, allowing it to bolt on small accessories, whether they be thrusters, cabins, cargo pods or whatever strikes their fancy. The choice of what it takes is not permanent, as they can return to the ark whenever they want and change their minds. As they increase in size, their bodies are able to support a larger superstructure, allowing for a variety of choices.


            The Maven life cycle is, unfortunately incomplete, as they have not been in a recordable environment long enough for a detailed observation.




Make it so they grow in size as they age, start of with tiny ship stats at the start and add a small amount upon level up. The increase wouldn't be at once, just add a set number every few days. At level 50, make it so the stats would equal the highest non-private component stats.


Remove the strengths and weaknesses, make it a personal choice. When you level up go for a display like this:

            Congrats! You leveled up!

Along with your normal increase, you can choose one of the following to add a small bonus too!

            1) 2 random stats

            2) 2 random stats

            3) 2 random stats

            4) 2 random stats

            5) 2 random stats

            The stats would be all the normal ship stats plus the avatar option and internal cargo option (see later notes). The increase would just be a few extra points, letting you semi-customize yourself to your ideal.

      Internal Cargo: A maven has a small space inside for storage. This space starts at 500kg and adds another 500kg every 5 levels. The option of internal cargo as a bonus increase would add 100kg when chosen, allowing low level Mavens to carry cargo and mine for exp.

3)   The Maven Physiology: A Brief Primer

      Following is a brief primer of known Maven Physiology. As you will see the Mavens are a mystery still and much is not known about them. What is known you will find here and it will hopefully help you understand our new neighbors. 


a.) Various Physical Characteristics

            The variety of physical characteristics of Mavens are astounding. There have been reports of ones coming in a wide range of colors reaching from red, blue, green, and even some with a metallic look to them. Surface types reported so far have included: pebbled, smooth, rough, scarred, and jagged to name a few. There seems to be no performance issues involved, and it is not sure whether it is a personal choice of the Maven, or decided upon their conception.


      b.) Galactic Observation

            Mavens have a unique blend of senses that they use to observe life outside their bodies. They seem to use a blend of optical, thermo graphic and various other radiation based sensing organs. Unfortunatly, they are not very specific and discourage close inspection to find out more.


      c.) Internal Arrangement

            The internal arrangement of organs in a Maven seem to follow a fairly standard pattern, much like most sophont. There is a small degree of size and location differences that seem to reflect what the Maven perceives as an ideal (see part d). Again, this topic is not very well researched, as again, the Mavens don’t encourage research into their physiologies.


            The arrangement of the internal spaces creates a network of space that runs the through the entire body, creating a passageways between the small rooms that form near organs. These passageways seem to form on their own and allow the Mavens symbiotes access to perform the tasks they are assigned (See more about Avatars in chapter 4).


      d.) Targeteble Growth, ie. The Decisions We Make

            Unlike most sophonts, it seems that the Mavens have the ability actually select what organs develop better then others. The ability of each Maven to decide how it develops is a marked difference then elsewhere in the known galaxy, further developing the mystery behind them. Thankfully, this information was found out rather easily, but the method behind it eludes researchers still.


4)      Mavens and Avatars, A look into a symbiotic evolution

            Mavens themselves are an enigma so far to the galaxy, and this enigma only gets worse when one realizes that they are host to a symbiotic creature known as the Avatar.


            Avatars are a smaller sized creature, able to live in the conduits and rooms formed inside the larger Maven. They receive sustenance and safety from the Maven, and in return they perform tasks for the Mavens, ranging from exploring where the Maven can’t to organ repair.


            The Mavens can’t (or won’t) recall when or where the Avatars came from and how the bond was created. The young Maven, upon birth, has an organ that sustains the young Avatar. The link is between them is very strong, and the Maven is able to command it from a distance if it concentrates. Avatars seem to depend on the Maven controlling them to survive and will perform tasks that lead to their destruction if asked.



...A biotic construct that starts out weak, but has the potential to become a very useful tool. Just use a puppet like the surgery bots. For a good reference, think of the drd's or whatever from farscape. It would run on an internal energy storage system much like a battery. The little bugger would be a small guy at first, growing in size with the ship. A small bay area would exist for it in the ship innards (see below again!) that would replenish its battery and help with repairs. The starting construct would be rather small and helpless, with one arm and a non-equipable body. This would change of course, very slowly over time as the ship upgrades. The avatar upgrade option would add a boost to the growth of it. Roundtime for controlling the avatar would be a good option to, since it would be a complete change of sensorium for the maven...Maybe 8 seconds to start with. Also add in a percentage drop in skill use, per sensorium change, 30% or so to start with.  A little guesstimate chart on avatar growth..

            Avatar growth chart

                  Level       Effect

                  5           Roundtime 4, skill -20%, add equipment slot

10      Roundtime 2, skill -10%, add arm, limited flight costing 2x energy to move

15      Roundtime 1, skill -5%, add equipment slot, flight down to 1.5x energy, double armor

20      Roundtime 0!, skill -0%!, flight move cost evens out

25      Add another equipment slot, option to grow another avatar bay?

                  30          Add another arm, armor tripled

                  35          Avatar able to get implants

40      Able to link avatars together, creating a dual construct with average+15% stats

                  45          ?

50      Grow another avatar bay, construct stats average+30%

                  Plus...add in a control radius, start at 1 ly, then double it every 5 levels. If you move beyond that limit then you need to re-enter range to get control of it again. Make it so you need a 5 second period to connect and disconnect from controlling it. If it is killed while controlled       it would cause a major health backlash and random internal damage.



5)     Interaction with Gravity Based Environments

Mavens are unable to enter a gravity based such as a planet or gas giant. This is a rather limiting factor, but the Maven’s are not completely helpless in this regard.


The Maven’s version of a planetary lander is stored on their underside, attached in a circular indentation. The lander itself is a combination of bone and specialized flight organs. Its performance matches the planetary lander we all know almost exactly, allowing it to land and takeoff with ease.


This lander can easily carry a small cargo load along with an Avatar, thus allowing a Maven to explore planetary conditions without harm to itself. Since the sensorium is rather different from what it is accustomed to, the Maven controlling the Avatar has to concentrate fully on the task. So if you ever encounter an Avatar in your travels, do not be insulted if you don’t get immediate responses from them!