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Hero List

Dark Omen Studios


Leader Nile7 - 9/6/2003:
     Alright!   This website is now public, this means that it isn't just on my computer anymore, it actually has a website address!   lol...   Okay there is not much to say about today, other than the update made to the Heroes page; the Heroes page isn't empy anymore!   If you ever come across ANY questions, comments, suggestions, downloads, etc email that stuff to either Leader Omn1 or Leader Nile7.   I don't open emails that are greater than 10kb, I delete them automatically.   So please if you want me to add a mirror, or add a download to the site, please give me a mirror type file (a file that has been loaded somewhere else).

     That will be all for today! =) Enjoy!

Leader Nile7 - 9/5/2003:
     Hey!   Alright it's 1:37 AM right now and my DSL is just not working with me tonight *sigh*.   The darn phone thing is connected to a not so great phone wall thing that is squished between the wall and my Mom's bed!   So it usually goes offline because of my Mom making her bed or something.   But I can't get it to work even after wiggling it around and taking it out, and putting it back in!

     Alright, that's about enough of me and my DSL connection, let's talk about the site.   So far we've created the Downloads page, Clansmembers page, and the Jargon page (not exactly all from, but the most used jargon).   The coming soon pages will include: the Hero List (from the old LoL Clan layout; LoL-Clan hardcore characters that have the highest levels) and the Contact List (that will include all of the comrades that get their LoL Clan news through email).   Well that's about it for now, word out.

Leader Nile7 - 9/4/2003:
     Hello comrades!   Today, I finally reconstructed everything perfectly!   Everything seems to be going smoothly, except our clan has kind of fallen apart lol, due to overtime.   So far Garfiode, HuntKillu, and I are the only ones that aren't presently a Ghost.
     Though due time, the Ladies of Luck Clan will grow into greater status.   More updates will come soon, I'll be back.
     PS: If you want to play the BETA of the upcoming 1.10 Patch for the Diablo II Expansion, go here 1.10 BETA for more information.