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~my photo galleria~

My dearest parents *Ibrahim & Norliah* Im with my beautiful sisters *Huda, Sida, Shikin & Olin* +:Me & Shikin:+ Candid photos

The gerls... *Suzi, Sida, Ijah & Idah* best frens Us again... Woohoo! The six of us *Den, Han, Ajis, Suzi, Ijah & Me* Hong Kong with Ijah Ijah & Sida Suzi & Sida Ayu, Sri & Me Syl in Canada rite now... Miss ya~ Emily n Mike Shikin n Hendra

*Kechik* uuuh, Bond! He was strugglin' with a cat! Now, strummin' the guitar... Sticker photo *Me & him* Taken in 2001 *2nd date together* Our first date together~ When I was a kid, I was cute... NOT!!! Polaroid pix... hehehe~ its me again Taken infront of the Fountain of Wealth I love him... and he loves me too.. Candid shot ~my nostrils r certainly big eh~ Latest pix...~

This is BamBam & Bobbi AhBoy & Miki~ This is Tatam & Milo~ Miki again ... and Bubu the notti cat Chiko & Mochi the cats~

~my photo galleria~

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