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The Laughing Dragon

Story of the laughing dragon In a time far away, the 80’s, a dragon was lying under a cardboard box in an alley. When he felt a hunger and decided to go get some pizza. Since if he went out in public he would have been drugged and taken to place where he’d be cut up into little pieces, he had to stay hidden. When he was standing up he noticed a van that said Discount Pizza. He went up to it and knocked on it. A voice said, “what’ll it be?” The dragon said, “I would like some Mushroom Pizza” he said. The voice said, “okay it’ll be a few minutes.” So the dragon sat outside the van until he heard the voice say “shroom pizza comin’ up!” Then suddenly a pizza flew out the window at the dragon, the dragon caught it and said “How much?” The voice said “No charge” and drove off. The dragon, without thinking that was strange, ate the pizza. It turns out that the mushrooms had been hallucinogen. The dragon began laughing when he saw a mailman drop a letter. He laughed for days only taking a quick wheezing breath every two minutes or so. On the third day he was still laughing, but this time laughing harder than ever, he laughed until his eye popped out and his brain collapsed under the tremendous pressure. The moral of the story is you should never buy Pizza out of some guy’s van. Though the dragon is dead his memory will live on in this site. Please look around and giggle like little sKool gurls.

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