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Random Stuff
Message Board

April 7/05


Mar. 23/05

Yeah, I moved to Angelfire. Yeah, they had 5 MB more storage than geocities, and also dont have annoying ads at the side. Just at the top and bottom. As you probably know, I changed my old site at geocities a bit. Yeah, my brother and all his annoying friends found my site and were being annoying, so I was like well they are all gay. So I decided to move to angelfire since it only takes 10 minutes. So yeah. I dunno if all the comics are working, if there are any not there just tell me.

Mar. 5/05

Yeah, I finally made another comic. And my comic is going to be hosted at another site soon. They sent me an email about it, so yeah it will probably be up there some time, maybe not. The site is one of my affiliates,

Feb. 5/05

Another new affiliate. Some anime site or something. I like using new affiliates as updates.
Feb. 2/05

Well, there's a new affiliate, "Waste of Time". They have videos and stuff, some of them are pretty funny, I haven't got around to seeing them all yet though. So go check it out. I really need to update more.

Jan. 27/05

Hey, just letting you know I'm still alive. Haven't updated in a while but I'm still updating. I made a new Misconceptions. Yep, I'm gonna go upload it now and see if my affiliates are still linking to me.

Dec. 7/04

Wow, I need to update more. Next time I don't update just send me an email and say "UPDATE YOUR GOD DAMN PIECE OF SHIT SITE YOU LASSY ASS" or something. Except spell lazy right. Yeah, anyways there's a new Misconceptions.