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Hi there! I'm krae4isevenbetter, known by my friends as K-Rae. I've been working on my gallery for just over a year now. It's coming along extremely well and has exceded all my expectations. I have basically all the sandwiches that are buyable, and even some that aren't. The gallery has been built by donations as well as by my own funds, I've put probably close to 2 million neopoints into it, not to mention all the donations I've received which probably total to well over that. All the support I have gotten from fellow Neopians has been astounding and very much appreciated! Without them this gallery wouldn't be near what it is today. My heartfelt thanks goes out to them!

Newest Items!
Faerie Dreamwich! - 350k
Pizza Sandwich! -140k
Broccoli and Mustard Sandwich! - 260k
Eliv Thade Sandwich - 40k
The Complete Uni Day Sandwich Set (4)! - 50kYay me!
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