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korn4ever50 (31): Board List | Topic List | Post New Message | Log Out | Help
From: Sir King Bob | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:48:42 PM | Message Detail
I herby declair war on Current events. This war shall be a bloody one, filled with many deaths. It shall start prosicly when hte sun sets. We shall ride in from the east and quickly take out your defensive lines. Show us no mercy, for we shall give you none. I fear many inocent will also die in this holy war.

If you wish to survive the bloodshed go here:

and tell them llama sent you. Anyone who does not join shall have their nuts cut off in battle. And trust me, those testies will come in valueble someday. So if you wish to survive, go to stampead and join today.

Oh, mods and administrator welcome. In fact ceej, I know where you live and will paintball your house if you don't post there you will be doing a lot of house scrubbing tomarrow morning
From: OzNarcissus | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:49:10 PM | Message Detail
This is called an invasion. It was nice knowing you.
I took out my gopher-chucks, and proceeded to BOOGIE DOWN!
OzNarcissus: Fighting Society for 17 years and counting!
From: PokeYugiMon | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:49:53 PM | Message Detail

Come to this board!
From: DTaeKim | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:50:19 PM | Message Detail
The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone -- Harriet Beecher Stowe
From: animorph1000 | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:50:24 PM | Message Detail

I don't know if he's going to be banned, or just laughed at.
Yankees? Twins? Giants? No, ANGELS!!
Musician's board petition -> We made 500, now we'll see about a board! *crosses fingers*
From: ninja zero | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:50:42 PM | Message Detail
umm...ce will kill your pathetic...umm..your pathetic watever the hell it is ur tryin to do...
Roughly 9 outta 10 ninjas think this signature is totally sweet~!!!!!!!!
From: graeme | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:50:48 PM | Message Detail

Someone take screen shot, quick

Mr.Bumps stalker! I love Mr.Bump!
He hit the "Random Ban" button and got very, very unlucky. - Cold Fusion on Spoon being suspended
From: Corbon440 | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:50:56 PM | Message Detail
Oz: No, it´s called boredom.

@£€X@ÑЀ® †#€ G®€@† [344 and counting...]
From: Sir King Bob | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:50:56 PM | Message Detail
hopefully both
The Secret Board Hunting board! (is dead but oh well)
From: cmsnrub25 | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:51:06 PM | Message Detail
"This invasion just got taken to the MOD QUEUE!!!" - Paul Heyman
You have the right to remain silent.
If you give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you in my sig.
From: OzNarcissus | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:51:21 PM | Message Detail
I already took one graeme.
I took out my gopher-chucks, and proceeded to BOOGIE DOWN!
OzNarcissus: Fighting Society for 17 years and counting!
From: DarkAngel | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:51:24 PM | Message Detail

~ reads board ~

Looks like this llama guy's been spamming the Stampede board.

Osoroshii kangae nimo osoware masu.
From: Googlebot | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:51:25 PM | Message Detail
Hi llama. One wasn't enough?
From: Nitros | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:51:44 PM | Message Detail
Get thee down, be thou funky.
From: Sir King Bob | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:51:57 PM | Message Detail
i had about 50 accounts to ban
The Secret Board Hunting board! (is dead but oh well)
From: Googlebot | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:52:45 PM | Message Detail
Ah, too bad I really need to sleep, so I won't get to see any other topics you might make :(
From: OzNarcissus | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:52:50 PM | Message Detail
WHY is this still here?
I took out my gopher-chucks, and proceeded to BOOGIE DOWN!
OzNarcissus: Fighting Society for 17 years and counting!
From: rpglord2001 | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:53:02 PM | Message Detail
Oh, mods and administrator welcome. In fact ceej, I know where you live and will paintball your house if you don't post there you will be doing a lot of house scrubbing tomarrow morning

A threat too.
AC Town:Hyrule
AC Name:Dan
From: Sir King Bob | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:53:11 PM | Message Detail
they're all gone.

go to the stampead board and somewhere there's one.
The Secret Board Hunting board! (is dead but oh well)
From: mmx 49 | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:53:25 PM | Message Detail
The llama decided to leave GameFAQs, so he's going out with a bang by spamming Stampead all over the place.
Yes, it's Stampead, not Stampede. Why? Who knows?! Become even more confused at board 26560. Rabbits are here! Board #5095 ¬_¬ ¯
From: Sir King Bob | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:53:50 PM | Message Detail
*looks at watch*
The Secret Board Hunting board! (is dead but oh well)
From: OzNarcissus | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:54:12 PM | Message Detail
I took out my gopher-chucks, and proceeded to BOOGIE DOWN!
OzNarcissus: Fighting Society for 17 years and counting!
From: Nitros | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:54:37 PM | Message Detail
well things are certainly moving fast this evening.
Get thee down, be thou funky.
From: Sir King Bob | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:54:42 PM | Message Detail
well, has everyone seen stampede yet? C'mon, join it, our roster man needs a good work out
The Secret Board Hunting board! (is dead but oh well)
From: Googlebot | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:54:53 PM | Message Detail
Well, see you, I guess. Maybe.
From: OzNarcissus | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:55:02 PM | Message Detail
The mods must be out drinking again..
I took out my gopher-chucks, and proceeded to BOOGIE DOWN!
OzNarcissus: Fighting Society for 17 years and counting!
From: korn4ever50 | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:55:30 PM | Message Detail

Good job, llama!
~*~korn4ever5~*~ Look below!
ialatfttjh - I am laughing at the funny thing that just happened! Use it, instead of that stupid LOL!
From: mmx 49 | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:55:46 PM | Message Detail
lol! Poor mods.
Yes, it's Stampead, not Stampede. Why? Who knows?! Become even more confused at board 26560. Rabbits are here! Board #5095 ¬_¬ ¯
From: Sir King Bob | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:55:47 PM | Message Detail
lol, i almost forgot about this

go there
The Secret Board Hunting board! (is dead but oh well)
From: WinnieThePooh | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:56:00 PM | Message Detail
Baby's in Reno with the Vitamin D
Got a couple of couches, sleep on the loveseat
From: graeme | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:56:03 PM | Message Detail

long lasting topic

Mr.Bumps stalker! I love Mr.Bump!
He hit the "Random Ban" button and got very, very unlucky. - Cold Fusion on Spoon being suspended
From: korn4ever50 | Posted: 1/12/2003 5:56:15 PM | Message Detail

ialatfttjh - I am laughing at the funny thing that just happened! Use it, instead of that stupid LOL!

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