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My Life



Hi, I’m Jack Fecteau. I’m just a 13 year old kid in 7th grade from California. I love most sports including baseball, basketball, football, soccer, tennis, golf, climbing, hiking, and biking. I also enjoy reading, surfing the web, and spending time with friends. My favorite foods are pasta, cheeseburgers, and candy!!! My friends are Jake F, Darrin, Chris G, Taylor, Chris T, Jake J, Grant, and Philip. I go to FCS and I have had straight A’s my entire life.

            I have one little sister, Rachael; and one little brother, Sam; and a mom and dad. My mom has 10 brothers and sisters and my dad has 4 which means that I have a huge family. My grandma and grandpa from my dad’s side live in a house that our family built for them in our backyard.