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Comparison Shots and Map Download

Map AVP2 E1M1. You know you want it.
E1M1 Original 1
E1M1 New 1
E1M1 Original 2
E1M1 New 2
E1M1 Original 3
E1M1 New 3
E1M1 Original 4
E1M1 New 4
E1M1 Original 5
E1M1 New 5
E1M1 Original 6
E1M1 New 6


Doom was, for me, as it was for many others, an obsession. Ten years later, a few die-hard fans

still long for the chance to run down the old, familiar corridors and blast anything that

twitches into a yummy, nutritious pile of free goo. What could be better than combining a

classic game with the greatest creatures of sci-fi? I hope that you all have the same giddy

thrill that I get when seeing slender, black Aliens pouring through windows and dropping down from the ceilings of one of the greatest maps of all time.


- A faithful recreation of the E1M1-Hanger design from the original Doom (a low level of artistic liscence was used... but I think it was worth it :) )

- All textures accounted for and brought in from screen captures

- Map designed to be darker to allow Aliens more chances to attack from the shadows

- Original sound effects included along with some ambient sounds to add to the nostalgia

- Two new secrets, including a super-secret Alien tunnel, allow Aliens greater access to certain rooms

- Door and lift opening speed, closing speed, and delay time are the same as in Doom

- Even the degree and rate of damage from the environmental hazards is identical

Please, enjoy this map. This is the product of my first attempt at using DEdit and is also the

first 3D FPS map that I can say that I've actually finished (and, hopefully, far from the last). I

apologize for any lengthy load times and/or low frame rates that may come up; I'm still new to the

whole mapping process and haven't quite grasped the finishing step of optimization. Feel free to

send to me any criticisms, comments, praises, pointers, or suggestions that you may have.

Frag on.
