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Welcome to John's World

My Game Collection

My DVD Collection

Anime Reviews


IGN Boards

GBX Forum

TV Realm


Winamp Skins

Play Tetris Now

Play Snake Now

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News and updates

9/01/03 - Added the Fusion website to the links.

6/03/03 - Review Section is up; all links look the same; added Blue Gender review.

5/30/03 - Added a Tetris and Snake game if anybody here might enjoy that.

5/29/03 - Review section is coming soon, one review posted thus far.

5/8/03 - Uploaded this icon to use on certain forums

5/1/03 - Inserted 3 winamp Skins; 1 full size skin, 2 top only skins.

4/26/03 - My latest work is this icon i use for many forums. It might have been a good wallpaper, but it works real well as an icon.