Anchovy Paste
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About me

I have recently grown interest in computers and computer programing. I started to like programing when I found out that my grandpa was making me a computer game. I am hoping that I can find a realy cheap domain. I am iterested in HTML and Javascript, and so are my two uncles and my grandpa. It's like programing runs through the family!

Games, Games, Games
My favorit part about the internet is games. Here are a few I few that I found.

Mini Putt

Adventure Elf

Jump and Catch

Music, music, music!
No one can resist some good music every once in a while. Here is some good music that I hope you will like.

Email a comment about my web page, and you just might see it in the table below!

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RachelWhat a great web site!Thank you, it took a lot of hard work.
FrancesI am totally amazed at this website. Verrrrrry postmodern.I don't know what postmodern means, but I expect it means something good.