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Here Is A Second Page With No Purpose.

Hey good for you. After reading that pile of totally aimless drivel on the main page you decided to check out another page that is completely without purpose or meaning. I really must congratulate you. As you no doubt suspect by now, there is absolutely *NO POINT WHATSOEVER* in viewing this page either. The first page was a load of total nonsense just as there is absolutely no conceivable reason for this page to exist. This second page is completely lacking in entertainment value and has nothing at all to teach you about anything. And yet - AND YET - here you are reading it. You must really enjoy wasting your time. I mean, just look at this damn page: there isn't even an interesting background to look at. It's not even a COLORED background. It could be blue or green or even a cheery little shade of yellow. Nope. Just white. A big 'ol exspanse of white. Even if it was black it'd be more pleasing to the eye. At least black looks cool. How would you like it if all you saw when you closed your eyes was a big field of white instead of the usual blackness behind your eyelids? You'd never get any sleep at all. You'd probably go completely insane. After about a week with no sleep your brain would start degenerating at a rapid pace until you finally ended up as one of those street-corner lunatics who stand there screaming obscenities at figments of their imagination and hapless passers-by. The local citizens would eventually get so sick of you hurling rotten garbage and screaming about the satanic midgets trying to infest your underpants that they'd be forced to call the cops to come and deal with you. The officers who arrive on the scene would initially try to subdue you by talking to you in a calming manner. By telling you not to worry, that where they want to take you the midgets will not be able to get at you any more. Naturally, your mind would be so unhinged from lack of sleep that you would begin to shriek histerically and accuse the nice police officers of being sent by Satan himself to steal your lower intestine so he can weave an afghan rug of pure evil from the digestive tracts of the damned. You would begin to spray globs of spit from your crusty lips and violently thrash your arms about as they cautiously advance on you with their nets and tazers. When your tortured brain transforms the features of a well meaning city employee into that of a ghastly demon-rodent you would leap viciously at the startled officer and furiously try to claw his face off. The other cops would instantly tackle you to the ground and proceed to beat you with their batons until you lose consciousness. You would be taken to an insane assylum and placed in a strait-jacket and padded cell to await daily shock therapy. Because of the dirt and feces underneath your fingernails, the face of the officer whom you attacked would become infected and leave him hideously disfigured for the rest of his life. The now bitter and twisted man would routinely visit you in the nut-house to administer cruel and spiteful torture to your genitals.

Click For A Third Pointless Web Page