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I Love You

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"if u don't care where you are... ur not lost"

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♥ It's Better To Be Hated For What You Are ♥ Then To Be Loved For What You're Not ♥

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♥i love you♥

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♥about me♥

♥ thinking
♥ talking
♥ skateboarding
♥ surfing
♥ horseback riding
♥ playing guitar
♥ 4wheelers
♥ dirt bikes
♥ motorcycles
♥ hot air ballons
♥ water ballons
♥ slip&slids
♥ jet skies
♥ the beach
♥ tanning
♥ swimming pools
♥ my bunny named gato
♥ my bull terrier killian
♥ my american paint horse chance
♥ my ipod
♥ straws
♥ popcorn
♥ soup-in-hand
♥ text messages
♥ my cell phone
♥ randomness
♥ overthinking things
♥ big words
♥ dancing
♥ parties
♥ eyeliner
♥ chapstick
♥ waffles
♥ spray paint
♥ permanent markers
♥ taking showers
♥ brushing my teeth
♥ soccer
♥ tennis
♥ softball
♥ driving
♥ pictures
♥ love
♥ street signs

♥ fake people
♥ 2face people
♥ people who talk really loud
♥ feeling stupid b/c i cnt spell
♥ my job
♥ shopping carts
♥ lazy people who like to irritate me
♥ ackward silences
♥ people who don't call me back
♥ people who are insecure
♥ the smell of beer
♥ when somone gets drunk throws up on themselves n then fall asleep on me
♥ questions lik "why is the sky blue"&"why is the grass green"
♥ people with no sense of humor
♥ people who get embarassed too easily
♥ when i kno somone but i cnt remeber their name
♥ lil kids and old people make me nervous
♥ police officers
♥ child labor laws
♥ minimum wage



♥my stories♥
Once upon a time i got the idea to do somthin random that one one else had the nerve to do so i went to skol and took a poll "best halloween costume" barbie was ..1 followed closly by michael jackson and hittler who would have thought that in the middle of april i played to wear such a costume to skol yeah so i got a group of ppl and we went to party city only to find out tht they dont carry costumes when its not close to halloween but wouldnt u kno it my mother offered to mak me a look alik barbie outfit so she worked on it all weekend how sweet rite n then she did my hair on monday with my lil crown thing it was adorable n i got to skol n everyone flipped out when i walked in the gym people actually started clapping hystarical but then when the bell rang for us to go to class the administration grabed me n said i had to take it off before i went to class talk bout breakin my heart... still way awsome though

wild boar
Once upon a time my brother was sitting at chevron pumping gasoline into his car when all of a sudden out of the blue this crazy ass boar cmes out of nowhere and slames into his car well mike is not a lay down kinda guy he all lik "no fuckin boar is gona slam into my car" so he reaches in the backseat and pulls out his baseball bat and starts beating the boar over the head with it well the boar gets mad right and hes got fire in his eyes stream streaming from his nose and mike sees the anger and runs in sheer terror for his car diving in but the boar was right behind him mike managed to get most of his body into the vehicle but his leg was hanging out and the boar attacks... and rippes off half his leg...
costa rica
Once upon a time i was jogging down the street when this guy on a bicycle is riding towards me and i suddenly get an excellent idea as the guy rides apst me i punch him in the face and send him flying from his bike so i steal the bike and ride it all the way to costa rica when i get there it is so great that i deside i might like to stay and i give my bicycle away to a homless costa rican and he rides it back to america where he becomes a famous race car driver and wins the indianapolis500 but dies in a freak bicycle accident meanwhile im still in coast rica wanting to come home but with no transportation so the dominican republic lends me a bicycle to go back on during my trip across the gulf of mexico alians begin chacing me singing "u are my sunshine, my only sunshine when ur not happy skies are gray, please dont take my sunshine away" and they try to abduct me because they want me to go to jamaca with them but i just want my bike back and when i get back to american i try to find the famous race car driver that was once a homless costa rican and he is surrounded by poperazie that i cant get to him but i follow him to an orange field and while chasing him the guy that assasinated kennedy comes out of nowhere and takes me to his cave where the guy from texas chainsaw massacre is waiting and they tie me to this table to micro anylize my brain but suddenly robin hood and his marry men come out of no where and hold siege on the cave but the guy from texas chainsaw massacre cuts off one of robin hood's legs and so the guy that killed kennedy has three legs now to run away from robin hood's marry men with and while they are fighting the ropes holding me to the table turn magically into liquorish and i eat them to escape from the cave when i meet repunzull and she lets down her golden hair for me to climb up but when i get there i realize its not repunzill at all but god because on my jouney out of the cave i died from eating poisoned liquorish...

♥my philosopy♥

SO... color is obviously determinded by our mind's eye the messages that our eyes send to our brain which is inturpreted into what we think or see in our mind so what if each person's mind's eye sees the world in seperate ways from another? color is one characteristic given to every object in our environment unless your color blind or completly blind so what if the colors that i see are inturpreted by my brain in a different way then the way they are determined by your brain? SO when i am looking at a red cup i can say it is red because in elementary school the teachers thought me that this color as my mind sees it is red but what if your mind sees it as the color that my mind inturprets as red is to you the color that my mind sees as blue but to you its red bc thats how u were tought to recognize it?

SO.... your know that feeling you get when somone touches you, but when they let go you can still feel their hand there where it was on your skin... i think tht's wht love is...

what's the worst thing about me?
    [ Results]


♥ height: 5'5"
♥ hair: brown
♥ eyes: blue
♥ ethnicity: white
♥ sex: female

♥ favorites ♥

♥ color: red
♥ sound: cell phone ringing
♥ smell: bread
♥ food: popcorn
♥ sight: friends
♥ touch: my bunny
♥ sport: soccer
♥ number: 14

Reasons Why I Love You

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