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Funny Pics
How To Be Funny

Funny Pictures Here

Note From Webmaster

Welcome to the "how to be funny" web page on the following web pages there are some of the funniest picture ive ever seen on the net..please share the laughter by sending our address to your friends and see what they think im constantly trying to improve this web page so keep coming back to see what improvements ive madei realy hope you enjoy this site ive spent hours and hours making it and collecting the pictures. i will be adding a feed back form here soon so anybody wishing to make a contribution can gett in contact with me. i've dedicated a page to the book that inspired me to build this site. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank greg dean for writting "the step by step to stand-up comedy" since reading his book i have completely changed my approach in making people laugh his word of knowledge and experience have been absolutley indespencible in making my family friends and colleagues laugh. When you read his book you will see how easy it can be to turn any situation and make everyone in close-range laugh out loud. I would finaly like tothank you for visiting this site i realy hope you enjoy it please tell people about this site and thank again for visiting.

The Webmaster