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Interesting Facts


*When viggo ((aragorn)) fell off the cliff in TTT he got hurt, he went under in the river
*Sean ((Sam)) stepped on a peice of glass, injuring his foot, walking into the river to catch frodo in FOTR.
*Elijiah ((Frodo)) was tricked by Dom ((Merry)) Billy ((Pippin)) and Sean ((Sam)) During the taping of FOTR into
thinking that "tig" was a game, he was v. upset to learn it was a fake game.
*The "old man fight" by Gandalf and Saruman was nominated by MTV as "best fight of the year".

Non LOTR -

*In America they have brail lettering on 'drive up' ATM machines
*Snails breathe through their feat
*Clams can change from one gender and back again on their own
*Have you ever wondered why people use the word 'politics'. Poli maening 'many' in latin, tics
meaning 'bloodsucking creatures, make politics mean 'many bloodsucking creatures'.
*In America they buy packages of hotdogs in tens and packages of buns in eight

ever Wonder...

Non LOTR -

*Why the sun lightens hair but darkens skin
*Why women can't put on mascara with their mouths closed
*Why you don't ever see the headline "Psycic wins loto"
*Why abreviated is such a long word
*Why doctors call what they do "practice" *Why lemon juice is made with artificial flavoring and dishwashing liquid is "made with real lemons"?
*Why the man who invests all your money is called a broker
*Why is the time of the day with the slowest traffic is called "rush hour"
*When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it?
*Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?
*Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?
*You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?
*Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?
*Why are they called APARTments when they are all stuck together?
*If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
*If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?



"Taters what are taters precios?" - Gollum "PO-TAY-TOES" - Sam
"What food do we have left Sam?" - Frodo "Um lets see... lembas bread, and ahh look! more lembas
bread!" - Sam
"The cold hard lands
They bites our hands
They knaws our feets
The rocks and stones
are like old bones
all bare of meat
But stream and Pool
Are nice and Cool: SO nice for feet!
And now we wish...
Alive without breath
As cold as death
Never thirsty.. ever drinking
Clad in Mail and never clinking
Drowns on land
Thinks an Island is a mountain
thinks a fountain is a puff of air
So sleek, so fair!
What a Joy to meet!
We only wish
To catch a fish
So juicy sweet!
" - Gollum

Non LOTR -

"Before you insult somebody you should walk a mile in their shoes, so that way when you insult them you are
a mile away you have their shoes."
"Never play leap frog with a unicorn."
"Ok, now I want you to line up alphebitically by height."
"Don't play stupid with me, I am better at it."


If you have any 'interesting facts' PLEASE e-mail them to me at I would one day like
to have the largest collection of interesting fatcs ever!!! *evil luaghter*