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to get the code just copy the HTML below.
<center><table border=1 bordercolor=black cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td colspan=2><img src=""></td> <tr><td colspan=2><textarea ROWS=5 COLS=65 style="background:COLOR" style="font-family:kristen itc" style="font size:10" style="color:COLOR HERE" style="border style:dashed"> Here is another layout with a pretty pic.Please leave my link if you decide to use this layout. This box doesn't allow HTML this time.You can write anything in here for all I care.I love this font. It is kind of messy but it looks neat I think. Ok well this box has a dashed effect as you can see.And has some neat link buttons at the bottom so you can put your links and stuff there.</textarea> </td> <tr><td><br><center><form method="link" action="http://address you want to link to"> <input type="submit" value="Linkie" rows=6 COLS=26 style="font-family:kristen itc" style="border style:solid" style="background:black" style="color:olivedrab"></form> <form method="link" action="http://address you want to link to"> <input type="submit" value="Linkie" rows=6 COLS=26 style="font-family:kristen itc" style="border style:solid" style="background:black" style="color:green"></form> <form method="link" action="http://address you want to link to"> <input type="submit" value="Linkie" rows=6 COLS=26 style="font-family:kristen itc" style="border style:solid" style="background:black" style="color:forestgreen"></form> </td> <td><br><center><form method="link" action="http://address you want to link to"> <input type="submit" value="Linkie" rows=6 COLS=26 style="font-family:kristen itc" style="border style:solid" style="background:black" style="color:seagreen"></form> <form method="link" action="http://address you want to link to"> <input type="submit" value="Linkie" rows=6 COLS=26 style="font-family:kristen itc" style="border style:solid" style="background:black" style="color:mediumseagreen"></form> <!-- do not edit or change this link --><form method="link" action=""> <input type="submit" value="Thanx" rows=6 COLS=26 style="font-family:kristen itc" style="border style:solid" style="background:black" style="color:limegreen"></form> </td> </tr></table><br> <style type="text/css"> body { scrollbar-arrow-color: olivedrab; scrollbar-base-color: seagreen; scrollbar-dark-shadow-color: limegreen; scrollbar-track-color: green; scrollbar-face-color: forestgreen; scrollbar-shadow-color: black; scrollbar-highlight-color: mediumseagreen; scrollbar-3d-light-color: olive; } </style>