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A Look Into MY Krazy World :)
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Its Late.....Im tired.......
Mood:  not sure
So I woke up pretty late this morning......or I should say afternoon. :) I was up pretty late last night playing SWG and talking to Steve as he troubleshooted his way through the death of his laptop. :( He hasnt been able to play SWG while he has been gone becuase of the new patch *prepares to unleash her hunholy wrath upon the SWG design team*. :) *sigh* no group krayt dragon hunting :(. So I did some online jobhunting and have come to the conclusion that trying to find an Advertising job while having absolutely no experience in the field hard! But people have to start somewhere! Anyways I submitted some resumes, and looked at more job listings with no luck. :( The logged on to SWG to work on my Bounty Hunter.

Steve comes home tomarrow!! YAY *does a happy dance* I cant wait to see him agian!!!!!!!!!!!
I miss him lots! Anyway I then decided I wanted a frosty beverage so I ventured to the nearest Starbucks and purchased a Venti Vanilla Chai Frappuchino, and much to my dissapointment, it didnt taste very good! :( The barista had added waaaaayyyy too much Chai to the mix. So I returned home with the essentials.......cigaretts....and rolo's :) ...and yes the over-chai'd chai. Then Steve called, he is thinking about gettting an Alienware. We talked and then I came up with the bright Idea to do this :). So here I am, typing about my day, and wondering about the yoda doll sitting on the speaker of the computer. :) Ok well I think its way past my bed time, so untill tomarrow :)

Posted by Katie at 11:11 PM
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