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"Not Another Day" 60sec. experimental video by Aleks Lazic will be shown during the International Queer Film Festival as part of Queer_pixels.

Queer_pixels schedule:

7PM, ACADEMY TWIN - THE AGGRESSIVES - [q_p] – “Not Another Day”
9.30PM, ACADEMY TWIN - ANONYMOUS - [q_p] – “Not Another Day”

9PM, VALHALLA - POSTER BOY – [q_p] – “Not Another Day”

9PM, VALHALLA -MADAM SATA – [q_p] – “Not Another Day”


Queer_pixels will be held as part of Mardi Gras Film Festival 2005, and will showcase works of interest to a queer audience from new and established digital artists and producers. The selected works will open sessions in the film festival, to be held at the Academy Twin Cinema in Paddington, and the Valhalla Cinema in Gelbe, Sydney. (17 Feb - 3 March 2005).

For more information go to .au

Chimera @ Albert Park Hotel

Experience Chimera light illusionist performance every Sunday @ Albert Park Hotel - StitchUp

Plan 10’s Circus of Perversity @ Commercial Hotel, Yarraville - September 24th, 2004 Review

As a launch for Plan 10’s new CD - Love Spunk from Bris Vegas to Uranus, under creative musings of Axel Conrad who is behind Circus of Perversity - a performance troupe numbering around 10 people, last night maneuvered their way on a tiny stage in a crowded Yarraville pub.

What the swelling crowd of locals at The Commercial Hotel witnessed last night, was well recieved, if not precisely grasped. Despite the obvious lack of space and suitable lighting. Circus of Perversity performed what used to be known as Cabaret. For many years this form of political satire entertainment was firmly rooted in the European psyche. Last night it was reborn, grotesque and vibrant with tongue-in-cheek asides to sexual deviancy and the contortions required for creativity in spite of everything. To be there was to witness something so familiar and yet so rarely seen in the comparatively safe and silent Southern Hemisphere.

For a moment, the strong men in faux-fur surf shorts, tickled into compliance by a switch waving Madam, seemed par for the course. Then came the sheer perfection of the contortionist Peruvian pretzel man’s efforts to bend his legs to all points of the compass. For the expressions on his face alone, this act was worthy of an Oscar. Pretzel man was only unraveled by a dire need of far more fiercely animated assistants than his lithe body and determinedly high camp focus received. But the crowd got it, clapping cheering and whistling their approval.

The dependable clowns whose circus role it is to amuse the crowds between acts, appeared in the guise of the familiar face of recreational drugs. Their antics spanning the audience’ conscious from 20 to 45 years. Pulling onto the stage that dear old Aussie icon, the eski, filled not with the familiar mind-numbing beer but with recreational drugs; in shining, cheap, rainbow wigs the two produced and appeared to sample, the middle-shelf icons of what is still an untaxed though now an establishment, pass time. The snow cone and the hookah made their appearance and then a nod to Europe, the big box marked ACID, and just as it is on the streets these days, the clown’s finale came with an exploding bag of heroin that powdered the front rows just as the real substance proliferates on the streets of nearby Footscray.

Having seen the light dancer, introduced to us as “Chimera" (Aleks Lazic, also Peruvian Pretzel man), in larger and darker surrounds, clearly the next act requires more space, a backdrop of black velvet, and all encompassing darkness to really see its determined beauty. A factor abundantly made up for by the concentrated skill of his movements, Alex Lazic an artist illusionist behind all this, created just a glimpse of the possibilities of a craft that uses light, strafing through the arcs of space, to describe in perfect time, the phrases of a kick arse soundtrack by Axel Conrad (Plan10). The lights and the man sear and drag the audiences eyes through every cycle of this truncated act.

Box Wars boys, the last act, witnessed a troupe of cardboard made musical instruments playing as a band, which like every rock group worth their salt, upped the anti until their violent attacks on each other crescendo’s in a pile of broken bodies on the stage. Now where have we seen that lately? And there it was, the grotesque truth that most of the world wakes to and sleeps past daily, some in makeshift cardboard homes, many sheltered only by their bodies against the ground. Circus of Perversity has a land-mine future making War and Cabaret. Begun in the quiet backwaters of an Australian suburb, born out of the collective understanding of a group of people with strong links to Europe.. Hopefully it will gain a profile back-lit by the fires of insurrection and tyranny. It deserves a much larger venue, to continue to go against what is expected and to highlight what is currently still considered unnamable in the polite and comfortable constraints of Australian society.

The CD Love Spunk from Bris-Vegas to Uranus is available from: Village Idiom in Anderson St.Yarraville or order at Plan 10 Concepts c/- PO Box 4179 Footscray West 3012

Reviewed by Mako. Phone 9689 8085