A Not-so-Modest Proposal

The Red Dot/Blue Dot System

Much of the following was imparted to me through a friend, whom it was bestowed upon and imbellished by another friend of a friend, etc, etc, etc. Therefore, the information I am providing the reader with herein is at once contrived, plagerized, and distorted. Thankfully it is also brilliant.

The Red Dot/Blue Dot System presents those of us in positions of world domination an entirely new, remarkably efficient approach to keeping civilization from collapsing in upon itself. By removing the structurally weakest components, it relieves the more stable components of the stress and eventual ruin caused by their counterparts' existence. In short, it provides a systematic approach to adding the metaphorical "chlorine to the gene pool."

In its most basic form, the Red Dot/Blue Dot System consists of the separation of society into two basic classes, denoted by the empirical "Red Dot" and "Blue Dot."

The Blue Dot group consists of those individuals who have been declared to have sufficient neurological activity, and will concurrently be allowed to reproduce and carry on their futile lives. Individuals placed into this group include only those who have undergone heavy scrutinization and have passed rigorous testing, following standards set by individual rulers. Status as a Blue Dot is regarded as priviledge, and may be revoked at any time.

The Red Dot group consists of all peoples not meeting the criteria of Blue Dot status, and therefore being pronounced unfit to breed. Members of this group include idiots, assholes, ex-boyfriends, hippies, and "people-who-have-pissed-me-off." Thusly, this group will also include by default anyone named "Joe-Bob," "Sky," and all people born in the state of Texas.

The Red Dots, being deemed unfit to breed, will be castrated for safety purposes, with the exception of a few, who will be allowed to breed in captivity, in an environment not unlike that of a zoo. This is for scientific study, of course, and the further betterment of our species, and has only minimal owing to the assertion that it is just plain fun to watch the monkeys hump.

In layman's terms, the definition of each group reads something like this:

Blue Dot: Fornication, copulation, and other forms of reproduction are acceptable.
Red Dot: Reproduction prohibited. Castration imminent.

A note of caution for the over-zealous ruler: One must be careful in selecting their groups. The aim of the Red Dot/Blue Dot system is in no way shape or form discrimination against those with handicaps or varying beliefs. It is merely an attempt to prevent the leeching of insufferable incompetence, boredom, and fuckwittage from one generation to the next. Remember: be vindictive, not cruel.

While the standard Red Dot/Blue Dot System provides structural stability for most societies, on occasion, a more advanced system may be required. (For example, in Iowa.) For these cases, RD/BD 2.0 has been created.

Version 2.0 is quite similar to version 1.0 in most respects, including the division of people into classes of "fit," and "unfit." However, version 2.0 features the addition of a thrid group, the Purple Dot.

The Purple Dot replaces the Red Dot of version 1.0, in that its members are declared unfit to breed and consequently castrated. The Blue Dot group remains unchanged from version 1.0. It is in the Red Dot group that the most dramatic upgrades are noticable.

Version 2.0 corrects the most blatant of glaring errors inherent in version 1.0. Most specifically, it corrects the error that allows the most unwashed filthy miscreants on the face of the earth (i.e. hippies, i.e. people-who-have-really-really-pissed-me-off) to continue living. Version 2.0 corrects this oversight by reserving the Red Dot category specifically for this breed, and promplty eliminating them.

A Quick Review of Version 2.0:

Red Dot: We kill you.
Purple Dot: We castrate you.
Blue Dot: We don't muck about with your pieces.

The Red Dot/Blue Dot System provides a loose framework for restructuralization after world domination. The author does not take any responsibility for any attempt to actually make it work. It would probably just piss a lot of people off in the end and result in a swift kick in the ass and the implementor's being the fist up against the wall when the revolution comes. Thank you, and enjoy your conquest.

For those of you who still don't get it...this is a joke...JOKE...I don't need it biting me in the ass later...