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My Great Homepage

4/11/03 It's War!!! We at war and kickin' Saddam's BUTT! And did you notice, that Saddam is a evil guy, even his name is evil, spell it backwards, and it spells maddass. UPDATE Anyway, today, is a Friday, at about 9:00. I just made the site, things that happened is Jason was being gay again, Jose was acting stupid, Gene was acting... quiet. and Trevor was acting like Jason and Jose put together.

4/13/03 Today i went to my grandma's house, with all my relatives, and was really boring. We winning the war, and if you want to see a lot of good coverage on the war, click on this link The Best War Update

Hello, forgot the date, but today is just a boring day... go to outwar...outwar not working... my website is crappy.

4/23/03-- this is gene updating the site... how did you put sc on your site.. oh yeah... how come the pics work on your site.. click on my(gene)outwar link and my website near the bottom of the page

4/27 hey, finished book report, can someone tell me if starcraft, the site builder, and yu-gi-oh work? go to my holy hits page at the bottom. And you wanna find a way to download lots of games? click here.
 Click here to go the the forum

Hey, I just made a new game page, check it out.

The Games Page




My outwar
Gene's Angelfire Website
Gene Outwar
My Other Website-Really Good

My holy hits page