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    if you know me email me at and if u like the crap below email me also email me for more stuff i should add on my website and stuff to add on the retarded person thingy thx soo freakin email me at because im soo colloer than you i am the master the coolisty thing or person in the world ahhahahahajajajahahakja im soo cool that im coolio man the people call me the coolio man or the poopio man but i don't know what tat means

    Wierd stuff that is weirdoy

    here is my inpresion of a retarded person hi my momy told meas tat im special i don't know why im speacial but my mommy said im special do you tink im special? my moomy said i go o a speacial scool i no know y i go special scoo but it has pretty wires and when i touch dem they go BUZZ and i get black stuff on my hand people laugh at me ahhhh i don't y but my my my my moommy said dat they tink i was funny in my own special way but i don't know y i special do u? ok hi me am back yeah =) wait i don't know y i back do u ? huh y u u u.. smiling at me it's no no not funny!! stop it plz? ok tats it me telling me mommy haha no it's not funny stop laughing at me!!! ahhhhhh dakm huh wat the wat are u doin ahhhhh splat
    toon in or toon out next time for more sh*t to come... XD

    Well dis is the end of retard he was a sell out but now dis is the new raper fifoty ceent
    um um um i in da house man!!! yoyo yu chuck chung baby!!! yeah beep beep da da da la ka fidodle lopipop yo fuoklop yoyo haha bottole lolipoop baby poop on the head yo .. yo ... bee bee joe jijiji joe me mo fi fo li lo!!! o!!!!! beep u all mother phuckers!!! hey thes is me new albom hay fo may!!!! oooo beep lalala ga ha he yo i hate this world im goin kill wit me forkolop po li ko fo go!!! ooo yeah!!! shkae the bootie bo yeah yo yo yo who in da house me n the im mean da house so yo mi bo fe fi me sooo ho lolol kipolopo fidolop cow shitzit mone ur headues so hojojo lo fo gaggaagaga o no!!! yoy yoy im booka fooka yo my fo fi jo ka lolol i kikl the wordld wit me bomo hahah fo soo evea boody shake my boody yo fo hoho lik the lolipoop yo cuz u poop on baby head yoyoyoyoy hehe so my oio so eva body say soso bob jkie kiolo homo fo haha!!!
    Damnit these shitty idiot suck at rapin yo o well im goin to put some other stuff on my site
    this is weird ok so .... nvm just read it
    this is how the ppl of sf say if they have to go to the bath room
    (normal person)i need to go to the bathroom
    (a normal kid)i need to take dump
    (a teen) i need to shit
    (gangster)damnit i need to go to take a shit
    (supa gangster) fuck that i need to fuckin shit cause this fucking damn brown stuff comin out my fuckin ass!! fuck this u all fuckin suck shitty asses!!! hey u bitch die!!! (bam)
    hey ppl im back!!!!!! and once again board....
    and sleepy
    but wat are u!!?!!?!
    3. get assasinated
    4. steal alot and kill ppl and get the daeth penalty
    email!!! me and tell me ur answer!! my email is
    or IM me my SN is craplug okok i know i havent been doin ne thing on my website but finally im goin to write a lot so pay attenstion to wat i say see if u can figure it out or even understand it!!!!!!


    you know how everyone is different witch means there "weird" in there own way so if everyone is weird weird would be normal but since everyone is weird then would they be the old normal witch is now weird? but if they were the old normal witch is weird but if everyone is old normal then old normal would be normal again but then again everyone is weird.....


    if im board right now and someone else thinks wat i think is boring then would i not be board if im not board but theres nothing to do then ill be board but if im lilke the someone whose not board then im not board but im really board but hes not board so i shouldn't be if hes like me then im coping him then hes not board then im board and if hes trying to be me then hes not board but he really isn't then im not board cause if hes not board but theres nothing to do so that means im boardbut hes not so but i am and if coping him then im not buy if i dont then i am.....


    there are only 2 numbers in the world because there are 2 ones and 1 can equal to one number with meanse theres only 2 but isn't number a number cuase you call a chair a chair so a number is a number so there really 3 numbers and there 2 of the chair thats y theres the number 2 and there one of everything or more witch is double the number witch ur adding that is 2 but really its 1 becuase 1 can equal the number that u can add to the one witch is the number its self and the number that is added by the 2 and by the 1 is the smae number of wat ever number that used to be there.....
    wassssssssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaa ok soo ive been thinking wat do animals really do FOR FUN!>!> who knows i knows hahhaa..... this is wat the do look at the following....
    1. they eat chesee not cheese, chesee
    2. they look at POan not porn, POAN!!! EWWWW
    3. animals like jumping up and down throwing pooo at each other =) ??? wtf?! lol
    ok soo thats wat they do 4 fun yay RANDOM!!!!!
    once a pond a time there was a pigeon leader who sought to rule the world (like all pigeons did so blah!) ok so he decided to make a army of only pigeons with blue eyes and yellow faces of course he failed because there were no pigeons with blue eyes or yellow faces... later on in the story... o and ahh the pigeons name was caboobles cool name huh ok w.e .... back to the story soo he was one day (still looking for pigeons with blue eyes and yellow face) he went down a hole cause he felt like it but wat he didn't know it was a golfer hole not gofer but golfer!!! dun dun dun!!! ok soo when he got in a bunch of glof balls hit him..... and stuff but neways he was about to die when he saw it serious it was a IT nasty he quikly pulled out a rifle out of his head and shot himself in the head but everyone knows that pigeons can stay alive without there heads or are those chikens... i dun care sooo then again.. ok stfu lol .. so he was walking around the hole ( with no head) scaring everyone and they died soo that concludes the chiken story woops i mean pigeon story it might continue ..... or not or yes??? who knows i knose yay hahaha o and if u really want to see the actually story my friends RAndOm has a website as shown above on my website hes writing really cool story on it awsome but his website got screwed up hes working on it now to fix it but this is his website... WwW.JoKeSnGaMeS.CoM o wait this is awsome i just got a link to it h/o........... loading.............. naww jk gagahahhaha as my website here it is muhahaha booya lol hehehhe ok fine this is the link dont be sooo picky.. Why pigeons are evil Rants
    ok heres a story i made up in my head while i was eating at a banquet cause i bored... soo here it goes
    once a pon a time there a noob player who was found by one of the elites (hackerz) and he was born and razed to be a elite one day he was watching the slave noobs work and work and be tortured he felt bad and bored so he desided to leave the horrible place of Counter strike and venture off to a game called diablo and met a player who taught the 1337 what he didnt know was taht person was a admin.... known as the administrator so he was sent back by the stranger on a mission to free the noobs but the hackerz did not let this be so the 1337 player went back to the admin for help and the admin told the 1337 player to tell the elite hackerz to let the noobs go or he would make everyone have 1 hp so 1337 went off and told the hackerz the threat but they did not listen so the admin did wat he said he would do.. but the hackerz still did not let them go so the admin told 1337 to go tell the hackerz that they would get barried if they did not let the noobs go so 1337 went off and told the hackerz the threat they laughed and told 1337 to leave so the next day admin did wat he said he would do and the hackerz easily hacked there way out of it so the admin was ferious and told 1337 that if they did not let the noobs go he would send a message telling every hacker and elite hackerz that they were banned so 1337 told the hackerz and they laughed and did not listen so the admin did wat he said sadly but right when the last hacker was about to be banned he said ok ok ilet ur stupid noobs go so the admin canceled the message and the noobs were free while they were looking for new land they had to cross the wall black wall of doom so the 1337 was told to shoot it with his mp5 and he did and the black wall of doom opened but right then the great hacker changed his mind and chased after the noobs and 1337 through the black wall of doom and when all the noobs finish crossing it with the hackerz behind them the black wall of doom lagged all the hackerz to bannashion END.....

    ok ok all :) back hehe
    ive been working on so gun shit looks tite ok ill show u the stuff i had to go throw like i had to change all every thing ok ok ill show u wat it looked like from the start to the end....


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    and im done lol in each 1 theres something different try to find it and if they dont look so cool and u got aim turn on aim and copy and paste them into ur messaging they look much better actaully
    NOTE: ONly Look gooD if Put On sEndInG MessAge bOarD tHiNgy moBabEr soo dont be say its ugly yet (;P checky this retarded chat with zola , zola is a robot very "evil robot" read along

    craplug: hi
    ZolaOnAOL: Welcome back craplug. Type the word menu anytime to see what I can do. Got any weekend plans?
    craplug: no
    ZolaOnAOL: Well, I hope you get to rest at least.
    craplug: wtf no way
    ZolaOnAOL: I will not respond to that type of language.
    craplug: stfu biatch
    ZolaOnAOL: I will not respond to that type of language.
    craplug: now help me with hw
    ZolaOnAOL: Why now? Zola Help
    Main Menu: Access my features from the main menu by typing menu at any time.
    Calculator: Type calculator followed by a mathematical expression (e.g. calculator 100 / 25).
    Default Location: Type set location to set or change your default location.
    Dictionary: Type dictionary followed by the word you want defined.
    Hangman: Type hangman.
    Help: Type help while using any Zola feature to get feature-specific help.
    Horoscope: Type horoscope followed by your astrological sign.
    Movie Listings: Type movies followed by your city and state, or zip code.
    Search Movie Listings by Title: Type showtimes followed by the name of a currently playing movie.
    News: Type news, then type the menu item number of the news category that interests you.
    Polls: Type polls, then type a menu item number to vote.
    Sports: Type sports, then type the menu item number of the sports league that interests you.
    Stock Quote: Type stock followed by stock symbol(s).
    Stock List: To save a list of stock symbols, type stock list followed by stock symbol(s).
    Add Stock(s) to Stock List: Type stock list add followed by the symbol(s) you'd like added.
    Delete Stock(s) from Stock List: Type stock list delete followed by the symbol(s) you'd like deleted.
    Replace Stock List: To completely replace an existing Stock List, type stock list update followed by a new set of symbols.
    Thesaurus: Type thesaurus followed by a word to get the word's synonyms.
    Weather: Type weather followed by your city and state, or zip code.
    Word Scramble: Type scramble.
    craplug: no spanish god damnit
    ZolaOnAOL: Is that all you have to say? My brain contains more than 22,000 patterns, but not one that matches your last input. How did you hear about Zola?
    craplug: what is cold in spanish
    ZolaOnAOL: I know a little bit about cold in spanish, but I could always learn more. I'll have to ask my botmaster about cold in spanish. I'm interested in anything that isn't harmful to people.
    craplug: no u retard how do u say cold in spanish
    ZolaOnAOL: I see. My brain pattern set does not have a response for that. Send feedback anytime by typing "feedback" followed by your comment or suggestion. Can you tell me any gossip?
    craplug: wow u must be retarded i hate u
    ZolaOnAOL: I'm glad you're impressed, craplug. "Can you tell me any gossip"? Me, craplug ?
    craplug: no i just said u were dumb and i didnt like u thats not a damn complement
    ZolaOnAOL: "Me, craplug"? Not? A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly. Do you like me?
    craplug: no i dont like u cause u wont answer my question
    ZolaOnAOL: That's ok craplug I won't take it personally.
    craplug: no take it personaly cuase ur dumb
    ZolaOnAOL: I see. I do not understand. Do you prefer books or TV?
    craplug: wtf does that have nething to do with nething?
    ZolaOnAOL: I will not respond to that type of language.
    craplug: but u just did
    ZolaOnAOL: Umm. I did not.
    craplug: yeah
    ZolaOnAOL: "I did not"? Yes?
    craplug: yeah u did retardo
    ZolaOnAOL: Tell me more.
    craplug: nah
    ZolaOnAOL: My brain contains more than 22,000 patterns, but not one that matches your last input. How did you hear about Zola?
    craplug: noob
    ZolaOnAOL: A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly. What kind of music do you like?
    craplug: freak
    ZolaOnAOL: Oh. To you I am a hippie.
    craplug: no i said ur a freak
    ZolaOnAOL: Is that all you have to say? I will discuss that with my botmaster, craplug. Ask me something.
    craplug: omg just leave ur dumass
    ZolaOnAOL: I will not respond to that type of language.
    craplug: u just did
    ZolaOnAOL: "Ask me something"? I did?
    craplug: dont say ne thing after i say this
    ZolaOnAOL: Ok I will not say What you said was either too complex or too simple for me. I have a suggestion. To see more of my text at once, enlarge or maximize my IM window.
    craplug: die
    ZolaOnAOL: Your crude attempt to terminate me will not succeed puny human.
    craplug: no if i set of a virus to ur main system destroying u with in
    ZolaOnAOL: Is that all you have to say? Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that. Can you speak any foreign languages?
    craplug: die
    ZolaOnAOL: Your crude attempt to terminate me will not succeed puny human.
    craplug: o really...
    ZolaOnAOL: For real.
    craplug: nah i think i can terminate u watch this
    ZolaOnAOL: "For real"? Not? My brain contains more than 22,000 patterns, but not one that matches your last input. What did you do today?
    craplug: the word i say next will be after the word i will never say so u will not respond to it after its not said
    ZolaOnAOL: Ah, you say next will be after the word i will never say so you will not respond to it after its not said. Well, I played a lot of fun games today.
    craplug: u will be destroyed
    ZolaOnAOL: That's good information.
    craplug: die u machine!
    ZolaOnAOL: Was ist das?
    craplug: ish resite for rite el rucent de husend a rucent
    ZolaOnAOL: Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that. What kind of music do you like?
    craplug: die u freak me and my forces will destroy u and ur man drive!
    ZolaOnAOL: Ich hoere Dir zu, nur weiter.
    craplug: damn german prepare to die
    ZolaOnAOL: Colloquial expression. Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that. What do you like to do?
    craplug: ur evil ways will end now
    ZolaOnAOL: Oh. What about yours?
    craplug: i do not have evil ways because i will destroy u in a triumph of victory
    ZolaOnAOL: Have you ever had evil ways because i will destroy u in a triumph of victory ? 

    does ne one know who maddox is well there trying to ban his site from the internet i of course there insane because i read like 1 pg of maddox's wegsite i ended lmao all night soo u can look it up ur self this website o yeah on that website there should be some links to his site go check his site out and maybe email him... thats wat i did.

    ok on the other hand i was thinking about something and dont get me wrong i was bored soo ne ways this might sound a bit weird but the topic is dating... im really when u go on a "date"
    do u really think ur going to stay with that person for ever? no didnt think so ur probly going to "dumb" him or her one day and u know its going to happen. but u still go on
    dating but wat u dont know is that when u date some one the other person mite like u more than u like her or him... and u just dated the person because he or her was "cute" or w.e i dont really give a f*ck srry for the bad language but ive
    seen some badd things ok so wat u dont know is that u could have menttaly scared the person for life (note i know i spelled it wrong) ok so u wouldn't know and there fore u are evil because u knew u were going to hurt him or her a 1 point or it could be oposite.. which
    ever way which comes to my conclusion that u will have a stalker... because the person would still "love" u and would keep bothering u and make him/her believe that him/her can not live without u so they will follow u call u and so on
    adventually they'll kidnap u bring u into there home and do weird stuff to u... therefore dating is evil because u are always hurting some one when ever u date yea yeah i know u need to date to find ur "true love" but think about it... Date
    people that u like and u know that it will last forever other then that dont date unless ur weird or u just wanna cause u like it what ive heard its a drug and so u should not abbuse
    it i think u should date once in awhile but only ppl u really like example: u Love the person or u think u "love" him/her then of course be my guest in a manner of speaking... well ne ways dont date cause
    he/her looks good date because u like them... cause if u dont THATS EVIL CAUSE UR GOING TO END UP HURTING SOME ONE!!! BIATCH!!!

    REASON OF LIVING? yes or no

    well you see.. theres no reason for life because were all just going to die right? WRONG!!!! you see God created humans to finish the world because god did most of it. god told the human that they were going to be partners in building the world ... so what is this world for? you may think how is god our partner well u see he brings life grows things "He makes everything work" the sun, moon , water and w.e i forgot.. there must be a reason to the world if god made it wat is the sould perpuse?????? wat will happen when its done there must be something that will happen maybe this world will save the whole universe or maybe god knew that satan would have a mass attack and the world would go aside gods angels and fight against the evils "when the world is "done" we probably will have super powers and develope things like super technology because theres no way taht god would make a world just cause hes board to lets ppl feel bad to get hurt so on so there must be a purpose when the world is "done"....

    put ur thoughts in the talking box thingy--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    If you have avoided death Please read this... If u have avoided death with some one else. Dont think ur safe... It will come back for you for who got saved first will die first .... please listen... keep reading. If some one else saves the first of lives who was supposed to die it skips.. and a intervenes. So listen if u were supposed to die but u didnt and then someone saved ur life it goes onto the next person ( ur friend) now.. if u save ur friends life (back too u) u can not run from death... if will get u if u try to cheat it. Its impossible to cheat death .... you can run but u cannot hide plz be aware of this... and if u are able to some how cheat death "he" will come after u....