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november 2005-------------------]

The full length is finally out. It is available at, or you can probably order it through your local record store. We will be on the road at the end of this month and the begining of December, check the shows section for dates. JL unfortunatly won't be able to do the tour so Lief from C O N I F E R will be filling in on these dates, and also playing with us at our Portland cd release show Saturday, November 19th @ Geno's.
3 guitars, not to be missed.
See you there.

september 2005--------]

-We have re-recorded our full length "Here where nothing grows." It sounds great and is officially slated for a November release on important! records.
-Fall US tour to follow the release. Please email us if you can help.
-We are also on myspace now -
-Our EP is available at .
-We have another email people can use (in addition to Reuben's)

may 2005-------our flight plans------------]

We are on our way to Chicago...
New T-shirt for the tour and demos for sale...
E-Rock turned the quarter-century mark on Friday the 13th...
Check out our May tour routing here.

march 2005-----------roadtrip-----]

-OCEAN's e-mail has changed, so all correspondence should be sent to:
-Our demo is available now at the Relapse store in Philadelphia, and will soon be available in France and throughout Europe through Paradise Noise.
Contact Dave at
-Unfortunatly things didn't work out with Troll, so Eric Brackett has stepped in on drums.
-We just got the masters of Here Where Nothing Grows back from Sanford in Chicago. They sould really good. Mastering and artwork should be done by the end of the month, as of now there is still no official release date, but we are definatly making progress.
-A small tour has been planned for the end of May including the PreEmissions Fest in Chicago. Check the Shows section for other dates, and if anyone can help fill in the dates please drop me a line.
- We also have been added to NotCommon's Doom/Grind Fest in July featuring Grief reunited, check back for more info on this as becomes available

feburary 2005-----------the troll & the swans-------]

After a short break over the holidays we are back in the practice space brainwashing a new drummer. Joao "Troll" Santos has been making the 3 hour commute from RI to beat the skins, but plans to relocate closer in the near future..
We recently went to Tsunami Sound, Portland ME and recorded a cover of "You're not real, Girl" for an upcoming Swans tribute album. An mp3 clip should be available soon in the Media section.
We are still waiting for the master of the full length and no release date has been set as of yet, but it should be out sometime this spring.
We have a few shows in the works for March and hope to be spending some time on the road in April and or May check the Shows section for more info as it becomes available.

december 2004---chicago-----]

The tour went relatively well...
We had a good time, played some good shows, got drunk, did alot of driving, made some friends, had van trouble, made a record and lost a drummer.
~ The Volume Studios recording went well. We were pressed for time so we didn't get as much done as we had hoped, but plan to do the finishing touches here in Portland at Tsunami Sound sometime after Christmas. The album is tenatively titled Here Where Nothing Grows and consists of 4 songs total running time approx. 55+ minutes. The official release date is still up in the air, it should be out sometime next spring. A clip from the rough mix is available for download here.
~ Will, our drummer, unforetunately quit seconds after the Providence show.
He will be missed. We are currently working with a new drummer and hope to be playing out again early next year and back on the road in the spring.
~ New photos and reviews are up in the MEDIA section.

october 2004------------recording------]

We will be in Chicago Nov 8th, 9th & 10th recording for an upcoming 12" to be released on Important Records and we are looking for shows on the way there and the way back...
Email us if you have any ideas. cheers, Reuben.