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This is a kick ass site full o crap! Man, you don't get no crapper than this. I can't be bod to really do much on this site so you may be a bit bored... BUT WHO GIVES A S**T! This site is mostly based on the wicked ps1 game 'final fantasy 8'. you can check out the ff8 main page to read all the latest ff8 news and reviews. check out the gallery 4 a load of funny pics. eg. lookalikes and superimpositions. Try our Links Page to find more websites that are actually better than this! Also, see our Games section to play some kick ass games! If you do actually like this site just E-Mail me at You can also give me ideas on what i could improve to make it even more likeable!

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FF8 Main

Staff list




I kind of just made this site because i was bored and now its on the web! I never thaught that it would go this far! Any way, please E-Mail me because i have no idea what to do at the mo. I cant think of nowt to put on. Oh yeh, sighn my guestbook while you're here will ya! This site will brobably be updated each fortnight so you'll have to wait for the new stuff.



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