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The Chronicles of Cliff

Cliff is an ugly little kid that doesn't know shit from chocolate. If something doesn't go his way, expect him to get angry and attack the first thing(s) that moves.

Why is he stupid, ugly, and violent you ask? Simply because there has been disciplined less times then army ants intentionally let their prey escape with their lives. In fact, when he does do wrong, he is rewarded with gifts and is privileged to stay with his grandmother instead of home. That is why he is violent.

Many times he claims to be too sick to attend school and if anyone argues he gets violent so he is allowed to stay home. That is why he is stupid.

As far as ugly goes, nobody has figured out how or why he got so ugly. Most believe it was aliens but others have their own theories. We may never know why he is so ugly.

Recent Cliff Events

  • Cliff injured his sister's neck when he got angry and threw her head into the banister.
  • He just started school again this year and is uglier than last year.
  • He had a fit with his grandmother, HIS GRANDMOTHER!!!.
  • He was caught, with his pants down, masturbating by his grandmother and grandfather in their house.
  • Just last week, Cliff received this award And yes, it is Cliff's face on the award.

    To find what you are seeking, enter my realm of hate and fear.

    More Coming Soon

    This site is dedicated to making public every bad, embarrassing, crazy, or just plain stupid thing that Cliff Thompson does in his young life.