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This page is about how I am better than you. It is about how I am smarter, funnier, prettier, and just all out better than you. It is about how you wish you were me. It is about how you stay awake at night wishing you'd die because you are, in fact, not me, and not as cool as me. You will never be as cool as me because I am the coolest person ever. No one can compete. Everything I say is right. If you disagree with me, you are wrong. If you agree with me, you are plagiarizing my ideas and you deserve to be shot. I hate you because I'm better than you. No one is as good as I am.

Contact me! Images

Woo hoo! I'm being stalked by the fat bitch posse!
(updated 5/18/04)

Everyone is infected except for me.
(updated 5/18/04)

I hate stuff
(updated 5/19/04)

Therapy Blows!
(updated 5/20/04)

I am an Extremely Happy Person!
(updated 5/20/04)

Sometimes people get the wrong impression of me. They think I hate everything. This is about all the things I like
(updated 5/21/04)

Shoot the Bloggers!
(Updated 5/21/04)