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 American Threat Association
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A T A Stuff

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Cool Stuff


Welcome To A T A

This band, A T A, is a new band from Toledo Ohio. All members, James, Dustin, and Alex, are 14 years old. This summer they will record their first CD. You then will be able to download all of their songs.

Please support these young musicians when their CD comes out by downloading the songs. Its all rock, all of the time with American Threat Association.


This is Dustin Being Stupid
Site News


We have added three more of our songs which you can now download. Our CD is in the process of being created and available to download.

Band Info
Dustin - Drums

James - Lead Guitar

Alex - Bass

Link Exchange
Kurt Host - Best hosting and web templates for the best prices.

Lith.TK - This site has some awesome downloads and a lot of good information