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Dev's page of stuff!

This will be my newly revised website with info about me and things that I like. Personal bits, music and of course my photography will stay here too. So I'll kind of be changing things bit by bit because I'm too lazy to do it all at once!

May 25 2006
Well, It's been another 2 years since I've even looked at this page! I almost forgot where to find it.
I don't think I am going in the right direction with it, so that may be the reason for my reluctance to work on this page at all. I'll change things up a bit, so hopefully it will be more to my liking.

more news...

This site is best viewed with a 1024 x 768 resolution.
all photographs in the gallery section are my own...
so please don't steal them. if you do decide to use
them for something, let me know and
at least give me credit for them. thank you.