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The Beginning

Welcome to the home page of my site. All that will be put on this page are updates made on my site. Please take note that every thing on this site is ©Copyright by either me or someone else.


My layout has finally been made, isn't it cool? It took alot of effort to make this one, I had a bit of help from Chris, but he jumps in and fixes all my stuff whether I like it or not, so I guess I had no choice. Othwise the layout looks pretty good for something I did. I better fill in the other stuff that Mr. Brown wants me to put on this here site, but they will each be on individual pages. Hey I know you want a picture wrapped around text, but what about text inside a picture? Thats what I'm doing now anyways...I'll ask Mr. Brown in person later.

EDIT: Added Links to my Menu bar. Now I just need to make the pages, so don't anybody click on them yet, cause they won't take you anywhere.


Whoa, I added a whole bunch of stuff in a single night. That was rough, not doing that again, but still I got the site pretty much done now. I hope you have enough time to mark my site Mr. Brown. It's probably not all here but I did my absolute best to get everything on here, You won't know till you look through the site, ENJOY!