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Pokemon Cheats
Sunday, March 20, 2005
See a pickup truck(Mew)
Topic: Cheats
On the SS. Anne, lose to a trainer on puropose. Then you will see that the SS. Anne does not leave. Keep on going on in the game until you get the HM Surf and are able to use it out of battle. When you do, go back to the SS. Anne. It had never left! Go past the guy who asks for your ticket. There, you will see the SS Anne. Don't go on it. Instead, surf to the right. There you will see a pickup truck on a platform. Go onto the platform. Ude strength on the truck and you will battle Mew.

Report: Yes, this trick does work, exept, forget the part where you use strength on the truck. There is no Mew. The only real part is where you see the truck. You will not be able to use strength on it. I don't know if the maker of this game like pickup trucks or something, but it is kinda cool. So thus, the trick works half-half.

Posted by Sarah at 11:41 AM CST
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Missingno. or 'M
Topic: Cheats
To get Missingno, go to Fuscia. Go south to the ocean and surf along the boundarie ligns until you come to a place where you can turn left. Turn left. There is a piece of land. Dont go on it. Instead, surf on the coastline where you are sorta have water half on land. You'll come across cool land pokemon in the water! After a little while, you should go into a battle. The screen should be black for quite a few seconds, and then you will see a blob or squares fighting you. Missingno! He has three moves. Water gun, sky attack, and water gun.....? Pretty cool that he has two water guns. Anyway, he has a super high level in attack and a really stinky defense. You should wipe him out in no time. BUT DO NOT CATCH HIM!!!!! If you do he could erase your saved data, and if he goes into your box in the PC, chances are that the pokemon in the same box as him will be deleted. Also, it doesnt really matter, but once you fight him,(if you beat the game already)he will mess up your hall of fame.

For 'M, talk to the man in viridian city who teaches you to catch a pokemon. Let him teach you. Then, go to Cinnabar Island. Surf on the east coast of the island, where you are half land half water. After a while you should get into a fight with a blob or pixels known as 'M. Don't catch him, he does the same as what Missingno does. Sometimes, Missingno appears here. But rarely.

Report: This glitch is real.

Posted by Sarah at 11:13 AM CST
Updated: Sunday, March 20, 2005 11:48 AM CST
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Topic: Cheats
Here are the cheats brought in by other people and by me. Have a fun time looking at them.

Posted by Sarah at 10:28 AM CST
Updated: Sunday, March 20, 2005 10:30 AM CST
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You came here to find cheats, right? Well if you didn't, well I wouldn't know why you would be here in the first place. Well, anyway, I just started the website so it may be small but soon I will tell you that I will have cheats of Pokemon flowing in and out. If you have any comments on the website, e-mail me.I will leave a report under each one to tell you if it is true or not. Have a good time!

Posted by Sarah at 10:20 AM CST
Updated: Sunday, March 20, 2005 10:27 AM CST
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If you have any cheats to share with me, e-mail me them at

Posted by Sarah at 10:10 AM CST
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