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My Thoughts on Dragons
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
So long ago
Mood:  silly
Hello my fellow dragon fans! I understand I have not been on in a very long time, three years? Yikes! Well I'm back and with me I bring new knowlage on dragonsm better grammer, and better spelling. I'm sorry if before I did not answer one of your questions but if you want it answered please comment on this post and I'll answer it ASAP.
 If you do not have anything nice to say then get your bum outta here and go find someone else to rant at. -nods- I no longer play on neopets but you can catch me on and under the usrname (for both) Mookie-neesan.
I post by what you guys post. If I don't get many comments I wont comment much in return. I hope you enjoy reding my news and crap and have a good day!

Posted by dragon3/sample at 4:41 PM EST
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Tuesday, 13 February 2007
Mood:  spacey
hi peeps. dragons love dimond,emerald, amethest,ople,ruby,and sapphire.

Posted by dragon3/sample at 7:55 PM EST
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Thursday, 2 November 2006

Mood:  flirty
Well the antartic was cold.Of corse.The dragon was silver and I will be traviling more over the winter. I have been keeping a frost dragon in the antartic so I will not be righting alot. try to email me at . ok?I also have a neopet at,my user name is mom123589 or mom123589sample,and I would be insalted if you did not check out my neopet and build your oun neopet. send me your user name or web site.

Posted by dragon3/sample at 4:16 PM EST
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Wednesday, 30 August 2006

Mood:  happy
I'm sorry i have'nt got back to you in a long time. I was studing a frost dragon in the antarctic. It was 40 feet long and 15 feet high. It's nest was a water faced cave hollowed out from a iceberg. It's attack was a fearsome ice blast. it ate giant squid,poler bear,orca,walrus,and leperd seal.

go to (

Posted by dragon3/sample at 9:07 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 23 November 2005
Mood:  on fire
Sorry i have not got back to you. But my dragon was maturing.The good news is that i have learned a new spell!It is a i visibility spell!take 4 pearls,ground into a powder with dragon horn and jade. mix this powder in the grease of a freshly killed seven-day-old koi,and message liberally all over the clothes and body,repeating over and over : she zheng wang pa!...this spell lasts 4 hours.

Posted by dragon3/sample at 6:40 PM EST
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Saturday, 25 June 2005
how i now it.
Mood:  vegas lucky
I know alot abot dragons becas i am a drogonolegist! You feed a dragon meat like seep and cow. To hatch a dragon egg you haft to keep i over a berning fier. It depends on how hot the fier is to tell the gender like if the fier is hot it will be a boy and if it is worm it will be a girl!

Posted by dragon3/sample at 3:00 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 18 May 2005
wate girl dragons look like.
Mood:  lazy
Female dragons usily green but thay con be diferint colers to. female dragons have smaller spicks then males and a smaller snout.thire tail spick is thiner then the males.

Posted by dragon3/sample at 11:09 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 5 April 2005
what can happn
Mood:  chillin'
When you do spells you have to be very careful. If you are not, you could turn the dragon against you! I have seen a dragon when I was camping before. It wasn't my imagination either, because it turned very warm when it happened. It was cool! the dragon looked like a redish blueish coler. it hade rely long spikes and it was a boy!i knew it was a boy becas boy and girl dragons look diferent.

Posted by dragon3/sample at 4:46 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 13 April 2005 3:57 PM EDT
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Monday, 4 April 2005

Mood:  party time!
you have to look around nests or do this ....perfect the casting of dragon dust using rice or confetti. the best aria to practice is at a Church with a wedding in process.[a troy is a regular pint.]you can't by dragon dust in stors and dragon dust looks like sparkly stuff.

Posted by dragon3/sample at 4:16 PM EDT
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Friday, 1 April 2005
Dragon Spells
Mood:  mischievious
Heres a taming spell its hard to say and it only lasts for 3 hours. Take three troy ounces of dragon dust from a silver dish that has thrice washed in water that has reflected a new moon.Cast it over the dragon crying:ivahsi yuduin!enimor taym inspelz!boyar ugoner gedit!

Posted by dragon3/sample at 2:54 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 1 April 2005 3:11 PM EST
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