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                               The Realm of Eternal Darkness

                                      From the Mind of ReVeaL       (Dark and Light)

Dark and Light


Eternal Flames

In Truth

The Origin




IGN Dark and Light

MMORPG overview Dark and Light

Stratics Central        Dark and Light

The Library of Ganareth

DNL Sanctum

Dark and Light RPG Gamer

Dark and Light MP

NP Cube (NP3)



Email  ReVeaL






















  This is for all those who are into Dark and Light the game.

                                       May Gothar watch over us all, until the end of times

                                      Oh, Gothar, thank you for your creations of this realm

                                                Thank you for giving life to Ganareth

                                      Thank you for the Sun that shines, and Darkness that Dwells

                                        For Dark and Light shall transform within us all

                                                       Unto the Dark Alignment

                                          Glory is ours to be, until the day we see no more



                                                    The Official Dark and Light Site



Most Importantly,  I dedicate this site to NP Cube & to Dark and Light Staff

Thank you (NP Cube) for Dark and Light, an to your staff

Thank you for all the hard work that went into the knowledge, developement, and information

an all the Dev chats I read. I really enjoyed the long reads.

May Dark and Light begin the trend for  Next Generation MMORPG's