Due to a computer error, my hard disk was wiped clean and all of my petz were erased.
I have taken a mild interest in starting over and have a few AC pairs of German shepherds.

Welcome to the home of the Pirate Phisherman's Petz!!

Last updated: April 22, 2007

Come on in!!

If I could just find a decent guard dog... =) Welcome to Phisher's site of mixed petz!! Oh, and a few (hundred) Danes, too...when the Cap'n gets them all sorted out, that is...

Yay, a nifty lil' update box!

Still needs switched to CSS
Home page
Danez Gen.2
Mixed Dogz Gen.2
Mixed Catz
About Me

Dang, been awhile since I messed with all this...switched the Danes Gen.1 page over to CSS format, and added about a kazillion puppies. After much debate, I finally decided to just put EVERY puppy's pic up, so viewers could get the full effect of how many times those dadburned dogs have been forced into squeezing out a litter. My goal was for each pair to have at least twenty pups; the few who fell short have been compensated by other pairs with excessive puppies, so it all works out...I think...

Started switching the pages over to CSS, beginning with the Chinchilla page since it's the one I was working on at the time. Finished MixedDogzPg1 also. Gettin' better all the time!

Added the Chinchilla Persians page! Finally! Messed with the goofy little furballs for maybe a week before I tucked 'em away in a dark, forgotten corner of my C:drive, but now they're out and having kitties again. =D

Yay, I have a scrollbox! ...And nothing to put in it. o_O

I apologize for not having a spectacular site filled with blogs and clickable pictures and buttons and things - my web-building skills are improving very slowly. The purpose of this site is simply to display the petz I own and have bred - not one or two specific breeds I'm working on, but my mixed petz as well. I've searched through many Petz sites trying to find one that just showed lots of neat pictures of mix-'n-match petz, and I've never found one. The pages were for adoptions or downloads, and there were several dedicated to one or two breeds and nothing else. I won't be offering downloads or adoptions (I couldn't bear to part with any of my animals!!) but I will share the good, the bad and the occasionally downright ugly world of mixed Petz!
(Yes, some of the Dogz in here are rather disturbing to look at, but I haven't done enough with the Catz yet to get any horrid ones!)

Pick a page, any page!
Mixed Dogz
Mixed Dogz - 2nd Generation
Mixed Catz
Danez - 1st Generation
Danez - 2nd Generation
Chinchilla Persians - 1st Generation
A Little About Me
I'm a Zoo Tycoon!

Questions? Comments? Email me!

Pages coming later:
  • 2nd Gen. Mixed Catz
  • Fun PetPix - tricks, costumes, and some napping
  • Pose Page

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