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My album and if u dont like a picture tell me and u will get a kick in your old saggy ass hole
My album and if u dont like a picture tell me and u will get a kick in your old saggy ass hole
Here is my album there lots of great memeries here and mabe not yet but there will be
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Thats me the creator of this crappy website
Thats me the creator of this crappy website 

Comments (6) | Add a Comment

type ass hole in google, then click image, and you will see y im writing this, hahahhahahahaha
who cares | ass@hole.cum | October 31, 2005

U swity...
Sexy Boy | November 17, 2005

your a bitch ass nigga see me ho if you want to kick me in my asshole you sack of shit
dick van dyke | yo gay ass | December 04, 2005

i feel very offended you fat sack of meat.
oh yeah and yes ur hecka ugly . and it looks like ur dog gets molested by u. I hate ur fucking face. and u should think about people with saggy assholes u cum guzzling gutter slut.
ya that's right shutup. dog molesting fag.
saggy asshole | December 04, 2005

I would like to eat your little asshole
Scott | December 23, 2005

If i ever see you i wll fart right on your nose with my saggy ass hole!
Maybe that will open your half shut eyes you bean head!
fart man | | December 29, 2005