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~OOC History~

Last Hope Weyr was founded in May 2003 by Daya Knight as a message board on ezboard.  It was a very active group.  It was changed to Last Hope Heights for about a year because of Anne McCaffrey's rules.  When her rules relaxed, Last Hope Heights became a Weyr again.  It was transformed into a PBeM (Play-By-eMail) group in 2005 for various reasons.

I owe a great deal of gratitude to the first players that stuck with me in the early days.  I especially want to thank Dolphinsong, for her devotion to LHW two years ago.  With out her we wouldn't exist, and I am very grateful to her.

~IC History~

IC History has been divided into two categories.  Past History is the History of How Last Hope Weyr was founded.  Present History is the immediate events that have lead to where we are now.

~Past History~

Deep within the jungle of the southern continent lies the only Weyr left on Pern, Last Hope Weyr. Having been forced to combine themselves after a deadly plague (which also killed riders and dragons as well as holders) was blamed on them, the dragonrider's moved south to live peacefully. And so they did for a time.

The last Queen, the gray and fading Corath laid a golden egg. Pern was hopeful, at least the dragonriders were. Dragons and their riders had become the most hated beings on Pern. Even tunnelsnakes were more welcome. But something went wrong at the hatching. The golden egg did not hatch. The Weyr weeped.

Turns passed, and Corath kept rising despite her age. Her species being on the brink of extinction urged her on. But her clutches were weak, with only blues and greens to fill the ranks. Then the ground shook, crumbling Southern Weyr, the dragonrider's refuge.
There was but one final option, to find another Weyr.

Thus Last Hope was founded, for if Pern were to survive this Weyr had to succeed. Corath rose, but there was but one bronze to chase. This bronze had long ago been in his prime, but at this stage was a far cry from what he had been. One bluerider, Perone
and her dragon Wrath, took it upon herself to challenge the bronze, and against all odds came out victorious.

It did not go over well with the remaining riders, especially when Corath laid only a single egg. When green
Truth was hatched Perone  declared her the Green Queen of Pern. Truth grew, in her first clutch golden Faith  was hatched.  But that was not the last event that would go down into Pernese History.  Three turns after Truth's first Clutch, a Meteor fell from the sky.  When it hit the ground there was a horrible shudder, many feared that it was yet another Earthshake.  Not too long after, furry firelizards appeared.  Curious the Weyr investigated.  To their surprise it seemed that firelizards were attarcted to this rock from the sky, but because of it their offspring mutated.  Egg heavy Truth was one of the dragons that accompanied Perone on the expedition.  From that clutch hatched five mutants, from those five only two remain.  There were no others, egg heavy females were forbidden to go anywhere near the meteor.  Furry-lizards can be found around the meteor site to this day, though getting rarer now.

Then Thread began to fall.  In the first 'fall blue Wrath was killed.   And the Weyr was turned over to a new leader.

~Present History~

Lost in a storm, a group of riders were thrown ahead in time 15 years.  They came back to a Weyr that had thought them lost between.  Many were happy that loved ones had returned so unexpectedly.  Many things had happened since their departure. 

The Goldrider Perone, once bluerider of Wrath and Weyrleader of Last Hope Weyr now re-Impressed to Jeserath, had ventured back in time after the group was lost.  Thread could not be met  with the numbers that Pern had, plus the Weyrherder Corianna had brought to light that all the dragons of Last Hope Weyr were terribly inbred and it was showing in their abilities.  There was no choice. 

Perone went back 300 Turns and recruited Bronze and Brownriders of that time to mate with her queen when she rose.  She kept this up for 20 turns bringing to life a new Weyr of completely different genetics then what Last Hope Weyr had.  Finding this sufficient, she and all her gold's offspring came back to the present only days after she initially left.  The queen produced offspring for 10 years after; before becoming to old to clutch.  She gave Pern three gold's in her lifetime, but none after her return to the Present.

Shortly after Perone returned from the past, a gold egg was stolen from mutant Islath's Clutch.  The egg-nappers took the egg right by the old meteor site; it was still soaked with the radiation that had caused the original mutations.  The egg hatched into a male gold; completely sterile but had the ability to command dragons like any golden Queen.  He Impressed to the HAD bandit Yeesha, just like she had planned.  It was he that brought the Wild Dragons into the Mihrung, the Rogue Weyr.

The Mihrung became the anti-Weyr, while the dragons Instinct to fight thread made them valuable the Holds feared their presence.  The riders were not models of society like the Weyr enforced it's riders to be.  The were nothing more then bandits of the sky, demanding heavy tithes of the Southern Holds.  Only the true Weyrs and its riders stand in the way of the Mihrung.

Despite the Mihrung, the Weyr's numbers swelled.  So many dragons required the opening of another Weyr; in the North.  It was named after Pern's Hero, the Lady Perone who was fast to refer to it as Wrath Weyr.  The name stuck, the great blue forever remembered.

It was not long after when Telgar Weyr was reopened, dubbed New Telgar Weyr.  Igen is scouted for the next reopening

It was this new Pern 'The Lost' returned to.  It is this new world they must learn to live.  Thread falls from the sky like The Lost never faced.  They would survive, if they were brave enough!

~Special Note~

Wrath Weyr, New Telgar Weyr and their territories are NPC at the moment.  All RP takes place at Last Hope Weyr and its territories.